Pluto in 4th house: understand and nurture your emotions, heal the relationship with your family, understand your roots and practice unconditional love, heal your inner child, feel a sense of belonging with your community. Your instincts seem very developed and youll know this person is your FS(future spouse). There is a lot of emotional connection here. Only 2 or 3 people can relate to this. Im feeling numb right now, so please take some time and rest. Pluto in the 10th house: find your goals and work hard to achieve them, you can heal your wounds through a carrier that makes you feel happy and aligned with your highest goals, you need a lot of structure and to work on your approach to responsibility. Im hearing Riptide (by Vance Joy). For some of you, the future seems to hold a wedding. Someone very just and very smart. BUT FAM THEY SEEM INTIMIDATED BY YOUR WORDS LMAO. jazayy: " Twin Flame/Soulmate pick~a~card reading Hi my loves, I hope you're having a lovely day/night, whenever you see this! You're readings are so insightful! Did you/them have any issues with alcohol at some point in your/their lives? They will want to do it because they care about you. Seems to have a very fit body as well. They dont seem to accept such behavior from anyone but you. Hey everyone! 8 of Swords, The Moon, 7 of Swords, Strength, The Emperor, Ace of Swords. Your person loves to hang out with you and normally, communicate with you. They love justice and hate every kind of excesses (they might be someone with Libra placements). Many of you most likely have many Aquarius placements and feel awkward when expressing your sadness or fear or love. ~ Pick-a-Card, How toImprove Your Life Right Now ~ Pick-A-Card, my cards were a bit blunt this time im sorry lmao, What is Your Soul Searching for? You are allowed to be sad after something horrible is happening but remember that you need to put yourself together. It could suggest a romantic relationship or romantic interests, but its not always the case, sometimes it suggest an important decision thats going to change your life. Anyway, luv u, bye bye. If you are new to pick a card readings, I have prepared 3 card piles that I will be reading from. 3 of Pentacles, King of Swords, 9 of Cups, Knight of Cups, 3 of Wands, King of Cups, The Moon, Knight of Pentacles, Thats some boss energy right here. There may be some cards mentioned in the reading that are not in the image, these are cards that fell out afterwards as I was shuffling, and therefore I have not included a picture of those, but if you want an image of a specific card, feel free to send me a message! The most romantic pile until now. They look very serious and they dont normally smile and might not even smile at you for quite some time. Are you and your partner compatible? If you dont relate to this, then maybe this isnt your pile or youre not aware of this (which isnt quite the case for many of you). They mightve recently went through a trauma or are currently going through a trauma. Something about them is so endearing, even when their minds wandered off somewhere, or when theyve said something a bit too blunt. All you need right now is a little bit of trust in yourself and your powers. 9 of Wands, 3 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, 6 of Cups, The Magician. Its like theyd like to open you up, but they just cant. I hope you cant hear it. To be honest, theyre gonna fall for your intelligence. Youre a quiet person most likely and you hate to be the center of attention. Your person thinks theres a lot to say to you but may not want to make it known. ~ Pick-a-Card. There is here something related to suicide from their part or a death of someone who they really cared for. The Strength (VIII) : Its a card about commitment, power and pride. Its almost April so it is time for some love predictions! I know this is extremely short and Im sorry but its all I understood from this situation. Aquarius in 8th house: fears related to showing your authentic side to the world, feeling weird, not being able to fit in, being different, loneliness. Are you guys that wild? Its the right time for counseling or seeing a psychologist. To be honest, you dont really seem a very bright and optimistic person, youre rather depressive and pessimistic, or at least, thats how your FS will perceive you the first time you meet. This is your sign to tell your crush you like them. Time seems to stop when you two are together. They aint the one, so get lost. You can read some of Jungs books, it could help you understand yourself better. It doesnt matter who youre with, you will experience challenges with anyone. Pick-A-Card, How Do They FeelAbout You? Their face has very warm features. I've also been planning for more exciting readings to offer you guys such as more general readings, or maybe even pick-a-card reading posts since I know I love watching those online. Hi everyone! Ill talk about your ego, your personality, the way you express yourself, what do you need in a relationship, your sense of style, how other people perceive you, your emorional world, your energy, what do you need in your sex life and many other things! Im hearing Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls, damn yall, your person will see you as one of those girls on TikTok at first. Instead you are meant to learn from this experience. Basically if youve never tried one of these before, this is a reading where you get to choose the cards that you resonate the most with right now. Keep an open mind towards what the cards have to say, as this is a large, general reading and not all parts may resonate with you xx, When setting this reading up, I asked my own guides how many cards and groups I should utilize: 6 and 6 - when I double checked the meaning of angel number 66, I was not surprised! The sexual attraction here is STRONG. They keep on making me thinking of fucking memes. STRIKE. High chances you guys are soulmates. You have a very sharp tongue and youre very tough with people. Your energy is soft, cloud-like, puffy. this person is good at healing other people. This tarot reader seems very happy for you guys. Im going to tell you few things about your soulmate! I very pale man. Youre a goddamn human, not a machine. I sense some fire Mercury from their side, you both might have fixed mercuries actually. Violence plays a big role here. Maybe you were born at the cusp of two signs, I get mainly Taurus-Gemini and Gemini-Cancer, Page of Wands, 8 of Cups, King of Wands, Page of Swords, 7 of Swords, 2 of Pentacles. option one; option two; option three; paix doux voeux. This is a powerful number symbolizing unconditional love and trust in the Divine. This reading is for those who picked pile 3 with the beautiful dolphin stone. Im also seeing this person as rather fit - even if they dont consistently work out, they still enjoy activities that get their blood pumping (hiking, diving, mountain biking, surfing, etc). You will probably be the one complaining about the fact that they are smoking but in some situations you might be the one smoking, either way, someone will complain about the smoke and about the health. I see them coming towards you while theyre developing their career. Their mother might be involved into that or they just have this sort of connection to it. Sagittarius 8th house: fear of missing something, not living your life at the fullest, being trapped, not being able to experiment and have the opportunity to learn. They seem country boys/girls ngl, idk if you like them but thats literally the vibe they give me. Many of you who have chosen this pile also chosen the 6th pile most likely. You may also be very caring towards small creatures in general, possibly children too. Youll know theyre insecure. They seem very selfless bruh, like, they really believe theyre made out of stone. This pile seems to have a very beautiful marriage. And it does seem like you have a really positive relationship coming in the future. Some of them may face abuse in family. I would recommend you to pray for this persons well-being. They look very young and they are very youthful. They absolutely adore the way you defend yourself. This person is quite traditional but that doesnt mean they arent willing to adapt. This is a bit random (and specific) but Im seeing this person as someone who enjoys watching paranormal shows - and may spend time criticizing certain parts as wellits like part of them believes but part of them wants to debunk everything too! Thank you so much! They might have a reddish aura. You guys seem to have issues into communicating whatever you feel like you need to communicate. Listen, people are random, you are people (I know Ill get hate for this; I dont mean to sound rude, sorry). Either way, things look pretty tensionated between the two of you. Maybe theyre just new. I cant help but hear Take a look at my girlfriend, shes the only one I got. so for some of you, thats how your future spouse will see you. 5th / 7th / 8th house cousp in Aquarius, Gemini or Pisces could be indicators of gay/bisexual tendencies. Your future spouse is someone very mysterious who will make you melt just by staring at you. The sexual attraction is extremely strong here. I believe you got my point, so I believe Ill be continuing this PAC. Damn. They may be soft for you. Nice to see you. Theyre someone whos 62+(180cm+) for sure(if theyre a man). You need to focus your energy into working with yourself and convincing yourself to believe that its ok to have feelings. I have also placed a crystal with each reading, one representing each of the four elements, in order to help you make your decision of which pile to choose. Its about telling the truth and talk in a clear way. Are you a Gift Faery? Youll think theyre a spoiled brat or think they dont deserve their place. Some may think this person is immature, but theres a lot of intelligence here that makes me not believe that. Pick any photo/number from above to get an insight about where your attention should be focused right now, Queen of Pentacles, 4 of Swords, 5 of Cups, Page of Wands, King of Cups. Leo 8th house: fears related to self-expression in general, standing up for yourself, being extra, taking leadership, vanity, feeling confident, expressing yourself through art. I feel like it will be night and both of you will be tired and want to sleep and youll just go to sleep. KNOC, Moon, 8W, High Priestess, Death, 5W, (Yalls guides really wanted me to use the normal Rider Waite Tarot Deck and this deck tends to sugarcoat stuff, so some of you might be in a not so fortunate situation). As I said, its very casual and it wont drive anybody crazy mad. Its extremely accurate and insightful. Theres a hopeless romantic aspect to this individual as well that I think they try to keep under wraps for the most part! Not gonna lie, this person sees you as someone they imagined to have a family with. Butterflies represent metamorphosis or major life changes, as well as innocence and play. pile three! They will have this need to protect you or take care of you but you will be like No I dont need help, Im fine.. Whats goin on in that beautiful mind, Im on your magical mystery ride// How many times do I have to tell you? They will think you arent clicking together and wont want to take any step. They see you as someone who was hit very hard by Mother Change and its now very guarded. They can literally be a living meme. Its connected with abundance and being wise. Im talking specifically about the smile they carry. The Wheel of Fortune, Queen of Swords, 5 of Swords, Ace of Cups, 8 of Wands, The Fool, The Hermit, While I was channeling the energy my sisters dog came in and she literally put her ass on the cards and now shes sleeping next to one of my cats. They speak so nice, they are very good at putting their thoughts into words. I believe that we are all born with psychic gifts - curious what I feel like yours could be? Dont, youll only dry yourself. Dont be afraid to ask for help, dont be afraid to tell yourself I cant do this anymore, I need something new. You will see them as quite a dangerous person. Pluto can be a tricky planet, its connected to karmic lessons and can be challenging keeping on repeat the same lessons again and again until you change the game in a definitive way. I feel like youre the Im an independent person, I need no one but you will still think your persons reaction is cute and adorable and whatever. If you want to create your crystals collection I suggest you to buy these crystals: MEDITATION: search on youtube heart chakra meditation and focus on your breath while listening to the audio, imagine a white light around you, let go of your thoughts and relax. Its a positive card and announces a period of calm and peace of mind. This pile will not resonate for the most of you, but for the people who are in situations like this. Do you know Connor from Detroit: Become Human? #pickacard #tarotcardreading #lovepickacard Hello cozy people I hope you enjoy your love reading . And if you just want to help support me so that I can continue to make more readings, all feedback and tips are super appreciated! I feel like your person is someone very feminine who will want to have a traditional family with you. Failures are only unfortunate events, they arent meant to describe your life, you need to focus on what youre proud of. You need to speak. However this can actually be a good thing as it means that these are more overarching energies of this month. This was one of the most interesting readings Ive gotten in a while, Im so excited to dive into it with you. If you want to annoy them then pity them. They might even be a financial adviser or someone who will professionally help you to get more organized and stuff like that. Can be a farmer or someone you used to have a crush on while you were young. A human should work 50/50=Brain/Heart, not 90/10=Brain/Heart. I see someone who is a great leader, but not like the person from pile 2, a more calculated and loyal one. You were left scatterbrained and you surely didnt deserve this shit to happen to you, so please take care of yourself and just throw this piece of shit away if they did you THIS wrong. I have my family with me at least. They are actually someone very strong and very loyal who will want to help you a lot some time after you meet. Youre in denial and I feel like you should just leave this connection, but because those cards show your connection in the future, I feel like you wont leave this connection. If youd like to know what well-intentioned advice they have for you, to help get you back on track, pick a group (from left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and find out! If theyre a woman, they will most likely have curly/wavy brown hair and theyll be quite skinny and shapeless. It could also mean that youre not allowed to receive the answer for your question (I noticed that if this card come out frequently during your readings its signal to stop doing tarot for a while and to recharge your energy). I say one-of because I fully believe we have more than one, and that they dont necessarily have to be romantic. They will cherish you and not do anything to jeopardize the relationship. I feel like you will forget something on the table if youre gonna meet physically and they will bring that thing to you. I had no idea rock couldve been so calming. I get that for many of you who are in happy relationships, this person is THE ONE for you and I see a lot of potential for this connection. These placements describes your personality, your ego, how other people perceive you, your inner world and how you deal with your emotions. You should be true to yourself and listen to your heart. The masculine will be great support for the feminine. This is the type of connection where you will need to begin a new chapter. Everything you are going through right now, is teaching you necessary lessons for your journey forward, and someday you will look back at how far youve come and know that everything was worth it! Its more like theyre just a bit abrasive, and they dont mind stepping on toes if it gets them where they want to be. Ace of Swords, 2 of Cups, The Magician, 4 of Pentacles, The Emperor, Queen of Pentacles, The Hermit, The Devil. It suggests that youre going to win and to excel, but first you need to overcame some obstacles. They might have black curly hair, you might love it. Theyre very insecure. Someone really needed to hear this. Let me think I see a young person (a man in particular) whose anger has taken over them and whos now full of adrenaline and their pupils are wide open. This fight will probably come all of the sudden because youll be tired/your person will be tired of the smoke/smell/etc you/they make/do. Everything will turn out fine. There is a lot of Uranian energy in this person! Work, coworker, pranks, law, lawyer, sword fight, fencing, mask, doctor, colosseum, Roman Empire, history, Latin, theatre, Greek, Middle Eastern food, Middle Ages, wood, fire, Libra, air, deep stares into each others eyes, curly hair, short people, father looking at sports game, tiptoeing, stealing each others food for no reason, smiling under each others breaths, a lot of history fr, Vatican, Ayy Ladies by Travis Porter, Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds, clubbing together, forever young, Page of Wands, Knight of Cups, 8 of Pentacles, Traveling, dancing, drinking wine late in the night, Tango lol, Argentina, gecko, sand, animals, kids, red, orange, yellow, opposites, magnet, poles, matching colours, big height difference, North, Eagle, Albania, Alexander, Macedonia, peeking at each other, chill smile, red face, weed(? Read the lyrics tho). I feel like the most of you who picked this pile are tarot readers or are somehow involved with the occult and are dried because theyve made too many readings. Its associated with waiting for a long time for an effective change in your life. For others I get exactly the opposite, youll be arguing on who is gonna pay. Im not gonna apologise for the lack of seriousness I have right now since I know you dont give a fuck anyways. If this person makes you extremely happy, then expect them to want to marry you. Youre a good manipulator as well and your person might see that being very attractive. I get more about your impression of them than their first impression of you. Even the song I hear is funny lol. This person is going to be patient, slow but determinate. There seems to be just a casual friendship between the two of you. Romantic Pick-a-Card, Message from Your Spirit Guides - Pick A Card, What are your Psychic/Spiritual Talents? Yall, did they cheat on you by any chance? Okay, I cant say anything more, Im feeling like Im questioned by the police., Your future spouse seems stuck in a toxic situation. Gotta tell you a secret: nobody gives a shit. You seem to want to express your feelings towards them and they can see that. note: This particular reading does not focus on Karmic Connections, but on empowering connections with Sacred Soulmates and/or Divine Partners. Is this person a true friend? You will be the one who will approach them and if you are like me, you will befriend them just to let them know you are there if they need you. You dont have to worry if things dont go as you plan. THEIR FIRST IMPRESSION OF YOU: 9 of Wands, 3 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, 6 of Cups, The Magician. Hmthere seems to be some sort of fear and despair coming from your part. I got a headache rn, goddamn chill. A general reading about your future and what youre going to experience, Im going to consider every single area of your life, this reading will be 360 and in depth. You seem someone very merciful and youre a passive person. Theyll think youre someone very emotional, who tends to take things to heart quite fast and react at the same time. It seems that they will want to marry you. Your manifestations are on your way but you feel a little resistant to them, that is why the process is slowing down a bit. You have the ability to be successful and the strength to overcome obstacles, it reminds that you are the creator of your destiny. Ah, Im tired. So that we may continue.". Happen to be involved with witchcraft? I guess I shouldnt have worded it that way. Words-> stress, divorce, mistrust, disgust, Just leave already!, I need time for myself!, house, paranoia, unsure, heartbreak, cheating, No way!. Some of yall might be really religious and perhaps your person will do something your religion interdicts to do or the other way around. You could speak your mind and open yourself up to them because they intend no harm towards you. Its extremely insightful and accurate! Your person thinks you are a very beautiful person physically and they are attracted to you. Funny how they see you as something unapproachable and you see them as this evil gremlin lmao. I wouldnt wait for myself the way you do lmao. They could also be shorter than you are. They are someone with a very balanced energy. They seem to empathise with you for some reason, maybe youve been through similar situations in life and they totally understand why you feel the way you feel. Youve been looking for me werent you, huh? How will you find your soulmate Pick-a-Card Reading Hello and welcome to today's reading. They will make you believe theyre closed minded and you will be like fuck this shit, Im out. Ill tell you in details whay kind of experiences are you attracting right now. What are you so scared of? This reading may be a little difficult to hear, but there is a positive future awaiting you in this reading. They probably didnt express their feelings towards you. Anyway, they are someone who is willing to learn new things, theyre very open minded and they love to fight for their own rights. They seem quite feminine and very passive. aw hi and thank you!! This is the type of obsession Gomez has towards Morticia. Today we have 3 cards from the Archangel Oracle Deck: Take Back Your Power, Compassion, and Healthy Lifestyle. It seems like most of these cards are fixated on this past relationship though, so you may need to do more of this moving on before you will really be able to tell what direction to head in. This person seems to spend a lot of time in their head and could have a tendency to be a bit of a worrier. 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