Presenter: Stephanie Glickman, Family Centered Treatment Foundation, Charlotte, NC, D5 Partnering with Parents: Building a Birth Parent Advisory Board. Results of the research revealed three broad areas for practice and policy improvement: administration, child welfare implementation and coordination, and use of Structured Decision Making (SDM) tools. National Child's Day on November 20 is celebrated all around the world. Corey has utilized his platform as a Community Curator to re-imagine child and family serving systems that are responsive to sharing power among constituents, communities with a laser focus on preventing and dismantling all forms of racism. Become a Conference Sponsor or sponsor a special event, foodfunction, or conference item. To mitigate these issues, advance families well-being, avoid missed opportunities for addressing unmet needs, and prevent harm arising from trauma and separation, social work professionals are urged to adopt a Flourishing Family Approach to their child and family practice with families receiving services and supports in multiple service systems. With several expert-led workshops and three general sessions featuring inspiring speakers ranging from high-ranking federal officials to youth who have experienced child-serving systems, our agenda is designed to give you practical, advanced, and culturally relevant information for . Events Calendar more. Children and youth in foster care, adoption, and guardianship often have diverse unmet mental health needs. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Please note: This is a two-part training on Friday and Saturday. (2019). JSWEC Conference 2022 | School of Health | Leeds Beckett University Conference home Submissions Conference Details Keynote Speakers Professor Carlene Firmin MBE Hri Sewell Professor Davy Hayes Dr Carlene Firmin is Professor of Social Work at Durham University. Research has found a significant association between family time and permanency and well-being outcomes. This is a factual update to Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 to reflect recent changes to legislation, including: Integrated Care Boards: from 1 July 2022, integrated care boards have . The session will conclude with the sharing of technical assistance and training resources available through the Division of State Systems (DSS) in the Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF). The CLO will be responsible for developing and implementing all education program content across all platforms as well as creating a new . Special activities, raffles, and prize giveaways featured in the exhibit hall will increase exhibitor exposure and attendee engagement. The conference brings together participants from across Kansas and Oklahoma for learning, laughter, and networking. Training Institute Only registration is also available. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Payment in full is due with registration. My recent career highlights have included Australian Principal of the Year (2020). It is vital that we support this emerging generation of new leaders as they navigate the serious challenges and complexities of transforming and leading the public and private sectors. Having been apart for so long, we all relished the ample opportunities for networking and reconnecting with friends and colleagues from across the country. There is a need for systematic, specific, evidence-based treatment programs that focus on supporting foster parents, identifying and serving the current needs of children and youth while at the same time working toward permanency as a primary outcome. High levels of work-related stress in child protection remain a public health concern. Ensuring males feel included and heard can impact resource parent recruitment, staff retention, and overall organizational culture. Approximately 95% of New York States kinship caregivers provide care outside the formal foster care system and, as a result, lack access to many formal foster care benefits and services. Presenter: Wendy Garen, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, Los Angeles, CA; Tamara Hunter, LA County Commission for Children and Families, Los Angeles, CA; Elise Weinberg, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles, CA, H8 Stratifying Treatment: Creating Change Through the Lens of Culture and Trauma(session repeat), Friday, April 29 Presenter: Rae Glaser, NYS Kinship Navigator, Rochester, NY, I5 Child Welfare and Medicaid: Making Medicaid Happen. Registeringmeans you agree with the. Featuring Sixto Cancel, Founder and CEO, Think of Us. In 2022, the National CASA/GAL Association for Children will offer an opportunity to come together for collaboration, training and professional development at an in-person Annual Conference in June. Using science, technology, and federal funding as a framework, participants will discover opportunities and strategies to improve awareness, accountability, and outcomes for families affected by behavioral health disorders. As always, the conference was ultimately an opportunity for all of us to recommit to our collective work and advocacy to advance quality services and a continuum of care, create communities of support, and take action to ensure that all children and families flourish. Our Vision Presenters: Bryan Samuels, Chapin Hall, Chicago, IL; Christine James-Brown, CWLA, Washington, DC; Aysha Schomburg, Childrens Bureau, Washington, DC; Miranda Lynch-Smith, Office of Human Services Policy, Washington, DC, A7 Supporting Families Across the Prevention Continuum: Leveraging Housing as a Platform. All sessions will involve video recording with debriefs after each session. This action lab will feature the work and impact of JWB and its partners during fiscal year 2021a year where the organization adjusted to a new normal on the heels of a global pandemic, and began to shift from crisis to calm. Child welfare leaders face a critical call to action to address longstanding system failures and inequitiesand engage in the policy context beyond child welfare specific legislation. A skills-based training that examines facilitated conversations using a five-step approach, developed by CWLA Senior Fellow Michael Schultz, as one way to foster the hope, collaboration, and change needed to assess and intervene when trauma and tragedy strike. This mixed model allows for a greater breadth of services in todays limited fiscal climate, and options for service delivery in a post-COVID world. We need to collectively work hand-in-hand with families, communities, and other systems, as well as federal, state, and local leadership, to eliminate the many barriers to achieving our vision. ICRA National Conference & AGM - Saturday 4th March . The pre-conference session has a separate fee ($150 per person). The presentation will provide historical data that points to the disproportionality of services delivery in communities of color and the resulting outcomes. In September 2017, NCWWI celebrated the first National Child Welfare Workforce Development Month. While the secondary traumatic stress workgroup provides clinical means to enhance resiliency for agency social workers and staff, the agencys Wellness Works program takes it a step further by targeting three areas: healthy choices, recognition and support, and employee engagement. Contact us atCWLA2022@cwla.orgfor assistance. We also encourage CWLA members, supporters, and vendors to consider being a Friend of CWLA for $1,000 or more to help us with general underwriting expenses needed to host the conference. The UK GDPR is the retained EU law version of the GDPR. Our intent was to help child welfare programs develop a comprehensive approach to stimulating the health of their workforce by sharing tools and resources. The theme for the FRSA National Conference 2022 . Corey holds the honor of being named the 2021 Children's Bureau Champion for Children for Advancing . We will explore national data on turnover in child welfare and comparable industries, discuss recruitment and retention issues, address the impact on staff and the families they serve, and highlight promising practices. Although race is merely a social construct, it has fractured American society for centuries. At the beginning of 2020, Bethany boldly proclaimed new organizational values. Presenters: Veronica Burroughs, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Columbus, OH; Stephanie Clone, Kaye Implementation and Evaluation, Tacoma, WA; Amber Phelps, Kinnect, Cleveland, OH, D4 Stratifying Treatment: Creating Change Through the Lens of Culture and Trauma. Presenters: Demarco Mott & Marcel C. Rivas & Dominique Rosario, Citrus Family Care Network Youth Advisory Council, Miami, FL, F4 Functional Family Therapy in Foster Care: A Family-Based Model for Improving Stability and Permanency in Foster Care. Exhibit Hall Floor Plan to be posted shortly. This gap can lead to counterproductive decisions and unnecessary long-term trauma for the child or youth who has been sexually abused. Members of CWLAs Member Equity Committee will provide examples and facilitate a discussion on how to begin, sustain, and navigate barriers surrounding equity efforts at child welfare agencies. Raffled items will include gift cards. 2:30 pm 3:30 pm, E1 Evidence Based Program (EBP) Exploration and Cost Tool: A Family First Planning and Implementation Tool for Effective Selection of EBPs(Spotlight Track). The exhibit hall is the hub of the conference, featuring meal functions, receptions and more. We invest billions of dollars annually in interventions that separate families, underinvest in prevention, and prioritize interventions designed to address family deficits rather than the family circumstances that place children at significant risk of maltreatment. "The more I practice the luckier I get." (Arnold Palmer) Take some of the luck out of your sailing this season with a dedicated High Performance Sailing Course. Kick off the 2022 Texas CASA Conference with a powerful keynote address from Sixto Cancel on using lived experience to inform and drive case-level and system-level reform. Exhibiting at CWLA is easy, effective, and rewarding. Interested in sponsoring the overall conference, a coffee break, tote bags, flash drives, or lanyards? Do we really understand the power race holds while being only an illusion? We received some fantastic insights from conference attendees that will be used to shape our final product! Presenters: Robin Ghertner and Emily Madden, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC; Dana Weiner, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, D2 National Family Preservation Networks (NFPN) Family Assessment Tools. Action Lab Sessions C National Yacht Club Salutes Top 2022 Sailing Achievements at Awards Night - The Night in Pictures. Effective and respectful facilitated conversations assume that as helping professionals and organizations enhance their capacity to rebound from immediate crisis and weather persistent stress, they also gain vital resources to deal more efficiently with future challenges. Presenters: Tien Ung, Futures Without Violence, Boston, MA; Charlyn Harper Browne, Center for the Study of Social Policy, Washington, DC, I3 Faith-Based Partnerships to Promote Child and Family Well-Being. Action Lab Sessions B This action lab will provide an overview of the National START Model, including discussion on implementation pathways, available funding sources, program evaluation design, and a detailed review of current scientific evidence including comparative outcomes for Black children served by START. Presenters: Grey Hilliard-Koshinsky, New England Association of Child Welfare Commissioners and Directors, Boston, MA; Ellen Keithley, Options Counseling & Family Services, Salem, OR; Keith Luebcke, Indiana Department of Child Services, Lafayette, Indiana; Jacqueline Martin, NYC Children, New York City, New York, H2 30 Days to Family: A Revolution in Urgency. Presenters: Lisa Pion-Berlin, Parents Anonymous Inc, Claremont, CA; Antonia Rios, National Parent Leadership Team, Claremont, CA, E3 Caseworker Intensity Measures: What Our Caseworkers Told Us and How We Can Leverage New Understanding of Caseworkers Experiences Investigating Allegations of Maltreatment to Prevent Caseworkers from Leaving the Field. With over 1,500 attendeesand growing every yearthis four-day conference has become the premiere national event addressing tribal child welfare and well-being. Most children involved in the child welfare system have a parent with a behavioral health disorder. Presenters: Austin Griffiths, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, OH; Oliver Beer, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, B3 Meeting the Complex Mental Health Needs of Children Moving to Permanency by Enhancing Adoption Competency for Child Welfare and Mental Health Professionals. Sponsoring Organization: National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC) Dates of Conference: 09/20/2023 - 09/21/2023 Location: Virtual Conference Contact Information: National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC) 899 N. Logan Street, Suite 208 Denver, CO 80203 Phone: (303) 864-5320 Website: 3:45 pm 4:45 pm, F1 Service Array Transformation: Leveraging a Service Referral Application to Build Cross-System Collaboration and Improve Outcomes for Communities in Washington, DC, that are Vulnerable(Spotlight Track). Please join us in lively session, where we will rely on networking and shared experiences to further this nationwide effort. August 12-14, 2024 Preconference August 11 . Closing Plenary & Lunch. The events of 2020including a global pandemic, a nationwide conversation about systemic racism, and a contentious electionallowed us to immediately put our core values into practice. JWB ensures kids are ready to learn, ready to succeed, and ready to thrive in homes, schools, and neighborhoods that are healthy and safe. 2023 Celebrate Kids! This action lab will describe the research- and practice-informed Protective Factors Framework for survivors of domestic violence and offer guidance for integrating the framework when working with survivors of family violence. Presenters: Alan Vietze, CWLA Senior Fellow and Chair, Mental Health Advisory Board (MHAB), CA; and MHAB members: Pat Hunt, FREDLA, ME; Susan Montague, St. Francis Ministries, KS; Julie Collins, CWLA/MHAB Staff Support, DC. Select thePremium Full Conference Registrationto participate in an additional day and a half of exceptional educational offerings. Hot topics on Capitol Hill include: extending foster care supports and services to age 21 in all 50 states; ensuring access to high quality, timely mental health services for all children and youth, including those in the child welfare system; and providing much-needed funding and support to the child welfare workforce. This action lab will focus on lessons learned from the federal project evaluation, how to run a hybrid program that focuses on virtual case management services, and how to provide peer-led support in person and virtually. We understand that families become separated for a variety of reasons and this training provides an opportunity to: recognize reasons why some relationships end; learn how these actions can impact childrens identity and self-esteem; and offer strength-based, solution-focused, strategies and techniques to create consistency and support for all involved parties. PDF, 1.03 MB, 116 pages, Ref: DFE-00196-2018 CWLA will continue to advance this work by hosting the agenda on our website, sharing important research efforts and opportunities that support the agenda in our various publications and at our National Conferences. This session will focus on the value and purpose of having a Birth Parent Advisory Board as an integral part of policy and practice reform in child welfare agencies. This hands-on workshop will highlight NFPNs family functioning assessment tools. School mobility causes disruptions with friends, teachers, classes, as well as academic credits, and takes an emotional and academic tollon youth in care who have already experienced trauma. Interested in promoting your products and services in the conference program? Pay by credit card or select Bill Me option to receive an invoice. We found that not all allegations are created equal and that caseworkers want more than anything to do their jobs well. 5 areas of focus have been identified that individuals, agencies, and community providers can utilize to maximize the assets men in child welfare bring to the table. Conference. Presenters: Vicky Kelly, Chair, CWLA Board of Directors; Commissioner Vannessa Dorantes of Connecticut; Steve Volk, Investigative Solutions Reporter, Resolve Philly and Stoneleigh Fellow, Wednesday, April 27 CQI Statewide Conference for Child Welfare and Probation . Healing from trauma and promoting resilience are pathways to child and family well-being that should be integrated into child welfare practice. University researchers and child protection leaders from a large Midwest metropolitan county established a research partnership to identify key factors related to maltreatment re-reporting, recurrence, and foster care re-entry, considering these factors in the context of significant policy and practice reforms occurring during the study period. Participants will utilizeThe 7 Ps Exercisedeveloped by CWLA Senior Fellow Paul DiLorenzo during his 30+ years of planning, developing, implementing, and managing community and neighborhood-based family support programmingto create a To Do list for transformation, and at the same time, highlight existing strengths and opportunities that a provider might not have considered in their desire to become more primary prevention oriented. Traditionally, CQI consists of data collection via the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) case review process. This presentation will include discussion about the need for adoption competency training for child welfare and mental health professionals, and present an overview and evaluation findings from two trainings available nationally: NTI Trainings and Training for Adoption Competency (TAC). They will also seek input from action lab participants about their successful efforts in this area and what types of tools and materials they feel would support the field in advancing equity and justice. This session will provide participants with recommendations towards implementing STS and wellness strategies based on DC CFSAs strategy and lessons learned. This session will provide an overview of the implementation of the evidence-based Safe & Connected model, engagement of innovative partnerships to support child and family well-being, steps to strengthen practice and community partnerships, development process of a comprehensive child welfare training program, and use of Title IV-E training funds. Presenters: Andrew Koster, Family Services, Brantford, ON; Gerald Walsh, Brant Family and Childrens Services, Brantford, ON, G3 Developing a Culture of Wellness at DCs Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA). Join us to learn how the program blends family finding + family engagement + kinship navigation and how its scaling nationally! Full registration fees include workshops, general sessions, Wednesday reception, and membership for non-members. Visit the NAICJA Conference Page National American Indian Court Judges Association Our Partners Like and Follow Us on Facebook Since 2020, Lived Experience Experts, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Casey Family Programs (CFP) and the William T. Grant Foundation have been working in partnership with individuals representing a broad array of experts, stakeholders, and people with lived experience to identify research gaps in community-based family support, child protective services, out-of-home care, and post permanency services. A map of the area, driving directions, and ground transportation options are available atHyatt Regency Capitol Hill. This session will look at elements of successful cross system collaboration between state, local, and private agencies and MCOs. November 20, 2023. The presentation will show that families who identify a second adult as a social support fair better overall in personal growth as well as with relationships with and between children. This shift in our process has opened up the opportunity to embed psychological safety, influence change initiatives, and construct alternative forms of education for the purpose of continuous improvement. Presenter: Dawn Davenport, Creating a Family, Brevard, NC, A3 Supporting Healthy Relationships and Healthy Families: A Whole Family Approach in Southern New Jersey. He will be joined by Cheryl Fisher from Centene to discuss the impact of social determinants of health from a child welfare perspective. As part of an ambitious, multi-year strategy to advance racial justice and equity in medicine, the AMA has committed to working in partnership with key stakeholders to address determinants of health and set more children up for long and healthy lives. Presenters: Clare Anderson, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, Washington, DC; Christa Bell, Department of Community Based Services at the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Lexington, KY, G2 The Need to Ensure an Integrated, Comprehensive Approach by Child Welfare Practitioners When Investigating, Assessing, and Treating a Child or Youth Alleged to have been Sexually Abused within an Intrafamilial Context. The National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) will hold its National Tribal Judicial and Court Personnel Conference on Oct. 17-20, 2022 at the Oneida Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, Green Bay, WI. Participants will learn about the stages of Birth Parent group development, how to navigate potential barriers, and what it takes to implement a successful Birth Parent Advisory Board. However, child welfare cannot do this alone. Meet face-to-face with CEOs, administrators, workers, researchers, advocates, and caregivers who are eager to explore new thinking and new products. Apr 13-14, 2022 @ 8:00am - 4:00pm. You should have also received an email from that will tell you to look for the login email. The Home Visiting Summit will remain merged with the conference for 2022. Child welfare systems are intimidating, confusing, and overwhelming to many adults, but even more so for children, whose trauma and distress may be exacerbated by system involvement. Statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. In this session, attendees will be introduced to the evidence-based Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14. Finally, participants will use the results to develop a portion of a case plan and learn how to use the tools to measure program outcomes. . Tote Bag Inserts An Exhibitor/Sponsor Exclusive! We secured an overflow group room block at Yotel, which is directly across the street from the Hyatt. Re-Imagining a Prevention-Focused and Equitable Child Welfare System for the 21st Century. Presenter: Daphne Torres-Douglas, The Childrens Village, Dobbs Ferry, NY, C6 Partnering with Medicaid-Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) in Child Welfare. Exhibit Hall Dates & Times(subject to change without notice). Recent policy action in Kentucky makes available $1000 per family in flexible funding. A segment of this session will focus on quality parenting and in particular a Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI). Join more than 700 health and human service professionals at the only international conference on family focused treatment services. This presentation will discuss the support and informational needs of children involved in the child welfare system and how child welfare practitioners can best meet these needs through an interdisciplinary approach of trauma-informed and developmentally appropriate court information and guidance, including through the use of interactive child witness support materials. Updated 'Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018' with factual changes in relation to information sharing, homelessness duty and references to domestic abuse. In addition to an overview of strategies, key partnerships and successful models, presenters will explore how stakeholders in New Jersey are tackling this critical issue to ensure children, youth and families are safe, healthy and connected. 15 December 2022 Transparency data See all latest documents Get emails Subscribe to feed What we do We are an independent panel commissioning reviews of serious child safeguarding cases. This is an opportunity for those in the home visiting field to receive tailored content for their profession. CWLA Standards of Excellence Input Session, 12:00 pm 1:30 pm The goals of NRCEC 2022 were to: identify and disseminate research relevant to young children (birth to 8 years) and their families, and the programs that serve them and; In addition to direct services provided by the administration, additional services are funded through . This session will provide insights on the importance of engaging youths with lived experience to transform the way child welfare services are delivered. Well discuss the impact and fundamentals of CASAs work and the answers they offer to our child welfare community as we work to meet the demands of FFPSA implementation and respond to the call for bold change in our system. Since then, an increasingly durable and agile spirit of collaboration in L.A. fuels an ability to test new ideas, assess their effectiveness, and bring them to scale in ways that significantly impact child welfare reform. Presenters: Tina Willauer, Children & Family Futures, Lake Forest, CA; Brook Kearley, University of Maryland School of Social Work Institute for Innovation and Implementation, Baltimore, MD, E6 Overcoming the Workforce Crisis in Public Child Welfare. Special activities, raffles, and prize giveaways also drive excitement and traffic to and through the exhibit hall! Participants in this action lab will also have a chance to continue the conversation in the months to come if they so choose. For all confirmed 2022 SSWR Conference In-Person and Virtual registrants, your login credentials have been sent to you from with the subject line of "SSWR Login Information" by Tuesday, January 11, 2022, 6:57 pm, ET. Compounding the problem, biological parents or legal guardians are frequently pressured to sign consents forms without having ever spoken to the psychiatric provider. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Efforts that aim to address economic risk, (e.g., income and housing supports) require adequate analytic approaches to define economic risk among children and families, collaborate with stakeholders to prevent maltreatment, and assess the effectiveness of prevention practices that mitigate economic risk. Well send you a link to a feedback form. When we connect what we know about the negative impacts of trauma with the equally restorative effects of spending even short periods of time in nature, we can recognize enormous opportunities. Tonier is an advocate and educator, speaking all over the world on trauma, addiction, incarceration, homelessness, substance abuse and mental health. Registration for the four-day 2023 NACAC conference will open in March. Attendees will also learn ways to incorporate their visions into their own Family First prevention plans and design actionable implementation strategies. Manages the alignment of MOAA's communication . Past exhibitors who have experienced success at our conference include software companies, publishers, insurance brokers, banks, trainers, accreditors, member and non-member agencies, and other organizations with a message for child and family professionals and leaders. This action lab showcases the systems partnerships between the Kansas Department of Children and Families, Kansas Family Advisory Network, and the Capacity Building Center for States. From Centene to discuss the impact of social determinants of health from a welfare... 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Michael Wooley Shreveport, Louisiana,
Stakeholder Analysis Steps,
Indigenous Americas Mexico Benefits,
Articles N