Thanks. Hi Neeru, If the mirror is far away and small/medium in size, theres no need to worry. If theres no space, try to find a smaller mirror so that it fits. Now, apart from all of these myths, mirrors serve as portals for spirits. Hi Jan, Both arrangements are fine. Hi we recently moved into our apartment and noticed a small round mirror above our apartment door but it is facing the inside of the apartment is this ok? Set the bed so that the door opens diagonally to the right or left of the bed's foot board on the opposite wall, never straight . I would like to put up a Bagua mirror. It is bad when you have a mirror placed or facing the front door. If you must sleep in front of a mirror, then, remove every picture that reminds you of a deceased loved one. However, without light to reflect in the . That, however, I have doubts on. Would that cause a negative effect by reflecting positive energies away? -Victor. Appreciate your advice. Hi Latchforda, Yes, that is fine. Thank you. If someone in the family has died, cover the mirrors until it's clear they are completely gone. A mirror facing the bedroom door, or any door, risks deflecting the positive flow of chi right back out of the room. See also: Best direction to sit in office. Mirror can Expand the Look and Feel of Your Foyer, 16. This is where modernization and commercialism has taken a toll on Feng Shui. As north is the center of Lord Kubera- God of Wealth, it is important to keep this direction energetic and positive. Hey Norma, Both mirror is great. How can I counter this? I have an L shaped hallway off my family room that leads to the garage. As for altar, I would be careful. Best not to use it because of the presence of kitchen. Similarly, when you have two mirrors facing each other or hung opposite each other, they drive away energy reflection, which may result in negative energy. Generally, havingmirrors in bedroom are not a bad thing. It is not a portal for spirits or demons. If you can offer any help, I would appreciate it. Mirror placed near the front door is fine as long as it doesn't face . Quick question..Ive got a very narrow and small hallway and would like to hang a mirror here, however as soon as you step in, there is wc door to the right (north), kitchen door opposite it (south), radiator next to the kitchen door (thats preferred place for a mirror so far), and turning stairs in front of it (just after the wc door). I keep both doors closed virtually all the time, and the mirror facing my bedroom door is at least five feet across from the door. When I enter my door i face south, past a closet on my right there is a little alcove and my bathroom. Hello! Restrooms and bathrooms are said to produce negative Qibecause thats where we rid ourselves of our wastes. Hi Im planning to place rectangle mirror in dining room (north wall) . I have one full length mirror on the West side and hexagon mirror on the North side of living room. Hi Sabrina, If you dont use the front door, then yes, its fine. -Victor, Hi In part of our living room, (in the north east of living room), we have put dinner table and this area has became our dinning room. Lastly is it best to have the bedhead on the North wall with door diagonally across from foot of bed or on the South wall with side of bed in line with door when it open? Thanks, Hi Emma, The mirror placement is good. Right? If there are any areas in the home where the energy gets trapped or doesn't flow properly, a carefully placed . Sometimes, it can go to other peoples house, so this method is not the most ethical way of using Bagua mirrors. Neighborhood priests go house to house before Easter to bless each home with holy water (in modern times a tiny note is frequently wedged in the door to notify the residents of the service). On the other end it reflects me in a seated position. Also when reflecting the beautiful outdoors, be wary of reflecting any glaring sunlight that can be blinding for people in the room. Good luck and remember we create our own destiny by how we think and speak of ourselves so you have to be positive to have positive outcomes. I have built-in sliding mirror wardrobe at end of bed. We have mirror and its facing the back door. Anjie Cho is a certified feng shui consultant, professional architect, and author with over 20 years of experience designing spaces. Hi Victor: Thank you for the interesting article. Perhaps others have that kind of experience. There are also other types of mirror, such as the Bagua mirror, that is used to reflect energy. There are times when there are many drivers who dont realize its a cul de sac and they end up turning around. Most experts agree that these mirrors have the ability to absorb bad Qi from the outside. I placed a floor standing mirror against the north wall inline with the beam (beam goes into mirror) so mirror basically placed under beam. Hi Lloyd, Yes, this is fine considering theres a good distance between them. If placing a desk, your back should be against the side without without the doors and windows. A mirror facing the sliding door isn't bad. And yep, you definitely dont need the one outside your bedroom door!! It reflects different things in the living and dining room (blended room) like a puzzle and shines due to the recessed lighting.should I worry? Now both mirrors reflecting towards east and we have a staircase plus main door from East direction. Therefore, it is best to stay away from sleeping in front of a mirror. Thanks!! Is this bad?What will I do? Heres more info for your reference: -Victor. Mirrors have multiple functions in Feng Shui. I need some advice on how to correct the current placement of the mirror at our dining room, unfortunately its durectly facing a door leading into our everyday kitchen. What can I do in my situation.. Hi JBR, Yes, that is totally fine. -Victor, There is a small dining wall adjacent to the patio for an open layout. Mirror Facing Toilet Spreads Negative Qi . However, all experts agree that having a mirror facing the front door is bad Feng Shui. Hi Maria, Reflecting light up the stairs is always a good idea. Living Room Generally Not Suitable for Mirrors, 12. So mirror can only reflect north or south?? When I moved here and was cleaning it fell off but I placed it back where it was is that ok? Reflecting Mirrors Feng Shui Remedy - The experts recommended placing the mirror hanging to the wall without leaning forward. You will also learn some rules and tips about Feng Shui Bagua mirrors and know the best and worst places to place mirrors and reasons why. -Victor. Hi Marie, The mirror in the dining room is a great placement, and theres no need to worry about the mirror in your bedroom. i like it because its big. Now, in the spirit world, spirits are like smoke, and they get attracted to smoke, air, or transparent substances. It was 13 yrs of hell on earth for me. 3.) Im wondering if this is deliberate use of feng shui for good/bad or just ignorance? Is it bad if I have my mirror facing my bedroom door but it is outside in the dining room? So, if you are going to our master bedroom, our daughters room is on the left and the mirror wall on the right. As for the stairs, it is fine. Thank you and sorry for so much or to much informatiom. So strange. In the traditional and classical viewpoint, placement of a mirror facing the front door will reflect the energy back out the door. Therefore, a mirror reflecting the front door pushes away energy, rather than welcomes qi into the home. I personally prefer the crystals, since they are more discreet. Will it protect of anything bad that comes from the outside sending it back? On south side 4 large windows. Hi Victor, Thank you for this very interesting article. Hi Victor, I have an L shape stairs, i hang my rectangular mirror facing the first part of the stairs just before the end of the stairs, i love seeing my reflection into the mirror while going down, the location of my mirror would be ok? 8. What are the implications of having a mirror in your bedroom? on opposite wall there is already family pictures. The option that were looking at is to move the mirror at the opposite wall however space is not enough to put it since theres a light switch on the other side. the last step of the stairs to the wall, the distance is 2 1/2 ft. Can you give us the cure? As for fish, heres the article: -Victor. However, they can create a spiritual reaction, which might disrupt a lot of things around you. Heres more information fromUncle Dixeronmaking the space of your front door area feel wider. hello Victor, I have a dresser mirror facing my bedroom door, I cant move it anywhere else. Some people dont like it because it cuts the reflection and spooks them. Hi Marie, Theres no problem with this. ", Create a Relaxing Atmosphere at Home With the Best Feng Shui Fountains, A Comprehensive Guide to the Feng Shui Bagua, How to Pick a Front Door Color With Feng Shui. Hi Alex, Just make sure it doesnt face directly to the door. It could be just a modern fad. We have a kitchen with glass door / partitioned and our dining area is adjacent and outside of kitchen. I have never been afraid when this happened. Is it good Feng Shui to have a mirror facing a window? Ive been wondering about this situation for a while and trying not to give it too much thought, however, I live in a rented semi-detached bungalow, orientated south, with the main door on the side of the propery ie facing north. Much like the Chinese, Japanese believe that northeast side is a member of a ghost door (). Hi Yuna, Both scenarios you described will work just fine. My house is an open floor plan. -Victor. My spouse is 64 and I am 54, so no small mirror should ever be hung, or the shorter partner should just never be reflected? I believe that the more common name for "spirits" entering through open doors & windows is called the wind. I just purchased and new home, however i do have a street lamp on front yard. We have a square wooden mirror in the living room on the East wall facing the window to the garden and opposite a desk (but not directly in view) is this ok? -Victor. Its a west wall. If not, feel free to leave them where they are. Hi Roselle, I cant really comment without taking a look. I dont know much about mirrors and the spiritual world. Tinkerbell brought my grandmother in through my bedroom window. Even if you use it, I have doubts on whether it can be of much help. Mirrors Facing Bathrooms Doors. I am at wits end. Mirrors are glass with a reflective (often metallic) coating on one side. Is this ok? These five elements (and their impacts) are: Earth: Grounding, security, stability, balance. Hi Pam, 1. Thank you for your great article and all your responses to the comments. Silver frame? Can the negative effects of this be neutralised by hanging a curtain in front of these? Also in my bedroom I have my dresser mirror facing the window to the street. Is it ok to hang a mirror at the south facing our dining table which is in the center of our house and reflecting our aquarium that is at the east side? Please share more details and help me out with the solution. Or what about those who usually eat in the family or living room while watching tv? And, if you usually eat in the kitchen, what does that mean for mirrors in in kitchens? When it comes to decorating your home, you have to understand that things need to be done from the physical and spiritual perspectives. Placing a bed in this room will be challenging. And what about placing a mirror inside of wardrobe? The . i have a small place. The reflection from one mirror will be reflected by the other mirror back to the first mirror, and then back again to the second mirror. My house is a northwest entrance home. Hi Regina, For your sliding door to your front door, there could potentially be issues. , Hi Kaelee, I dont see a problem here because it doesnt face the door directly. I suppose I should find something pretty to cover with when not in use. Is this okay? Thanks! Thank you. Hi Eve, I would suggest forgetting about a mirror there just because its at the end of a walkway (from the stairs). Don't imagine that hanging a mirror is enough to reflect away evil spirits. Some people gets startled when they see a mirror once they open the door. Hi Victor. What are your recommendations. Im planning to put a big wall mirror in my Dining. -Victor. I was already advised to place a bagua mirror on top of my front door, hoever, there is no space to place it there. Meaning, if theres a light-post right outside your front door, a Bagua mirror can be used. Should this be covered up? -Victor, Hello Victor, Greetings. Will those push good luck and energy away from home? Placing mirrors in the north direction is fruitful. Furthermore, it depends on the reflection in the mirror. The wealth area of a house can be hard to find, but ones wealth vault is easy to identify. She and I do not get along, she is unfriendly.Management does not even want things placed on the walls so maybe I should talk to them first.. unless of course they happen to like that mirror.. You would be surprised at people who think FS is for the birds !.. Thank you! The large chunk of the broken mirror can be used to ward off bad luck during the full moon. Is that ok to keep it? Hi, You dont need a remedy when you keep the door closed! Heres one I found on Aside from different Bagua, theres also concave, convex, and flat mirrors. I suggest you find an expert to help you with this. This will bring you to a point of restlessness, and it might disturb your sleep. Or is it better to not move into a home like that? But when we are in the living areas, around 45 degree from the mirror, we can see the reflection of stove from the mirror. The reflective windows, after reading your article, really bothers me now. On the left side (west side) is my daughters bedroom door and directly opposite her bedroom door, the east side, is the wall with mirror. -Victor. To replace rhe closet doors would involve a lot of time, money and creativity and at this time not possible. Hi Tim, Different shapes are correlated with different elements. Real estate agents? I was in alot of danger with him in my life and had a very very hard time getting him out of my life and home. Further, most layman cant really see the difference. To banish evil spirits, burn the shards of a shattered mirror until they are pitch black, and then bury them one year later. I would like to put at end of hall outside of bathroom. -Victor. I have a situation I wanted your guidance on. Concaved mirrors are mirrors thats curved inward. Thanks alot, Hi Maryam, Yes, a dinner table is completely fine there. I find it obstructing the door space when visitor coming in or doing cleaning with all the wires behind the front door and curtain. Thanks in advance! Any ideas? As for the view, theres nothing wrong with it. 11. During the glare hours, and/or evening hours, the mirror is reflecting closed curtains or blinds. -Victor. I intend to put a big full height mirror on the living room wall in my new home and it is directly facing the hallway. Therefore, read on to find out more about this interesting subject. Most Feng Shui tips out there fail to mention the difference between Early and Later Heaven Sequence. argentus. And, no worries if it faces the drains. I have read your blog with great interest and have few questions. Traditionally, there are two different types of Bagua with three different types of mirrors. Hi Dieu, I dont have the experience you had with mirrors! -Victor. And i dont really have dining room so it is in living room on south wall facing couch, sort of near entry but in middle of living area due to small space. Anyway I had a strange experience involving the mirrors. Mirror Facing Bed Brings Sleep Problems? Is it okm, Another quoition is that how can learn more and more abou fengshui? Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! -Victor. Yellow Moon Spiritual Meaning: Why is the Moon Yellow? Im not sure what kind of altar you have. He passed away 12/07/20. 7. Hi Victor, thank you for this article. (I usually make a circle around the entire structure).Most of the time these portals are Outside of the building, but mirrors facing doors and windows, can open these . The idea is that the energy from the restroom can go all the way down from the stairs. Hi Tara, The placement is not ideal similar concept as mirror at the wall opposite and in line with the front door. Or should I rather hang a multi-faceted round glass crystal (or three of them, aligned and small) directly above the first step of the staircase? Also, the entrance area is great to have plants! However, if it is an evil spirit, then, you will be haunted by the ghost. If you have mistakes in your life that you are not proud of, it is believed that sleeping in front of a mirror will bring back those memories. The classical schools tend to recommend against a mirror facing the front door do so because for them, the reflection of a mirror reflects energy back. Further, Im assuming that door is not connected to the outside, so again, theres no need. Hi Celestine, Only basic answers I can answer for free. Job Summary: WHO ARE WE? posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:10 PM . II have my doubts on this reasoning, although there is the concern of the mirror falling on your head in case of earthquakes. Generally speaking, feng shui experts do not recommend placing a mirror directly across from the front door, but rather on a wall perpendicular to it. Stop thinking and treating yourself and life in a negative way. Its great to have it in your dining room! According to Feng shui, clocks should never be hung facing the door because they can welcome evil spirits. I cant tell without a proper assessment. All of them bring energies in the form of light and heat. Hallway leads straight to the dining/living room.. For example, mirrors in the dining room shouldnt face the kitchen stove or the window, and mirror should not face each other in long hallways. Anyways, I feel the negative energy coming from them so I am thinking of placing a mirror near my east-facing front door, which faces their house. I dont~~~ Can you help me please ?. I think convex would better scatter the (rushing) qi in more directions.. Thanks Victor. If so what is the meaning? For example, a pile of paperwork or bills that are accumulating or a view of your garbage bins. -Victor. Place it there youll be fine. Which direction should mirror be placed per Feng Shui? I have odd shape pieces that are mirror.. Is it ok? Also, I googled and googled >>> there is something about window/door positioning plus colour according to your Birthday. They even disregard the city rules regarding home construction and whats permissible; the city is too afraid to enforce anything and they tell me its a civil matter, not a city matter. They were very helpful. Convex mirrors are mirrors thats curved outward. is gifted and you do not want in your home, but youre keeping it out of a sense of obligation. Since it is so narrow in height it should be hanged horizontally very low so i can see my image. I posted briefly about it on the other forums and if you want I can bring it over here. It is okay to have a mirror facing your bed. Thank you so much. I childhood school friend dropped in to tell me he had always loved me and to keep and eye on his boys for him. Hopefully you wont catch her doing some sort of satanic ritual! I have a very clear poison arrow energy (a concrete right angle) pointing to the front of my house. Thanks in advance. Hi there, thank you for a great article! I have steps leading to my front door. I live in a cul de sac and my unit is at the end of it. Is this ok ? -Victor. The entrance door itself lets a lot of natural light in through the glass. Remove Mirrors that Face the Bathroom Door, 7. The dining room is near the window, while on the other end, I am thinking of placing a mirror to lighten up the place. Thank you so much. Mirrors should be covered at night because they serve as portals for spirits. I have kinda made my spiritual sanctuary in my room until the guest room is more available. It can be a good thing. It means you was visited by a guardian angel or protective angel that and seeing a white shadow is the same thing. This is a very informative article! Some say placing the mirror at the end of the hallway symbolizes stay away and can lead you to make mistakes and bring frustration. This is one of the reasons behind peoples fear of keeping mirrors in their bedrooms. -Victor, Here is the link As for the mirror facing the bed, you can get creative here. Thank you for all your help! Hi Denise, If I were you, I wouldnt place the mirror, even if it doesnt face the kitchen stove. hey what about a dining room table beneath a chandelier and spanish beams can I put a mirror on top if my wooden table cause its kind of damaged and we want to cover that. Doing this will protect you from imbalanced, or scattered energy. -Victor. Again, I suggest that you refer to your trusted Feng Shui consultant for advice and do NOT randomly place mirrors. What would you recommend? So, if youve ever wondered if it is ever OK to have a mirror facing a door in feng shui, youve come to the right place! Sorry if I couldnt be of much help here. The door must not face the elevator door. However, there are Bagua mirrors that use the Later Heaven Sequence. ? Hi Verum, Stairs facing your front door is not necessarily a bad thing. It is also believed that sleeping in front of a mirror will lead to depression. So, is it ok to have the image of closed door in the mirror all the time? The connection between mirrors in the bedroom and spirits are based on the following myths: Because of the transparent nature of mirrors, it is believed that they are made from water, or have a spiritual connection with water. Ill try to keep this short: I have a beam that runs left to right when you enter the front door into our living room. Of I place a mirror here (to face the front door from outside) will the reflect/return out flowing good qi back into the apartment??? Aileens situation seems similar to mine. yards. Most of us can understand that our homes affect our wellbeing in many ways, so its helpful to learn how to make subtle shifts to create spaces that support us. I appreciate your guidance. I have my easel and a desk set up on this same South wall. Do you think it is ok to place it at the wall close to the dining table or on the small narrow hallway leading to our living room? Does that change the rules for living room mirrors? Avoid having the bed in line with door when it opens. Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Glass Doors. The cook can easily get the attention of waiters and waitresses as they enter and leave the kitchen. These are the things to look out for before sleeping in front of a mirror. Whats your thoughts? Also, make sure that those mirrors on the side-walls dont face each other. Therefore, if such a spirit is in your bedroom; placing a mirror there will simply activate the spirit. Since ancient times, any shiny surface has been regarded as a spirit doorway and can be used deliberately to summon spirits . Therefore, sleeping with them will give them access to spirits from other worlds. In this case, its best to check with a trusted feng shui consultant. The floor plans are west-east and the living room, where I spend most of my time in has a huge east-facing patio window which looks out across the garden and is overlooked by side wall of an adjacent 1 storey house. -Victor. 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