(People v. Hardy (1992) 2 Cal.4th 86, 143.) Thus his removal was just.' Interact directly with CaseMine users looking for advocates in your area of specialization. "The people in this indictment are on a level of sophistication and leadership, and with corroborating evidence, that we have never seen before," she said. When due for release from prison in March 2005, guards caught Ramirez with a kite that included a rewritten NF constitution and a message from Anthony "Chuco" Guillen, one of the NF generals in Pelican Bay Prison, regarding the loss of authority of the NF generals who had been relocated to federal prisons. WebThe US federal law enforcement agencies which had long failed to infiltrate the from CRIM JUSTI CJS 230 at University of Phoenix [Laughs] I started rolling. ", The jury in People v. Solis (2001) 90 Cal.App.4th 1002 (Solis) asked the very questions at the heart of defendant's arguments during deliberations about a criminal threat charge. at p. He argues that Debbie's fear was caused not by his August 1997 letter, but by the NF's reputation for dealing harshly with snitches. Is OKC or Tulsa safer? Also, the drug sales and drug smuggling conspiracies in counts 2, 3, and particularly count 4, smuggling, were independent of each other. When defendant met with other regiment leaders, Ramirez talked about messages he had received from the NF leadership in Pelican Bay State Prison saying defendant had not been communicating with them and "hasn't paid his dues . The girls got to learn how to clean house and learn to live and work together.' The singer and actor opened up to Teen Vogue about how the blockbuster hit For a period of time, Vince Tirri was Ramirez's second-in-command. Within that umbrella conspiracy were subconspiracies to commit specific crimes. . He once said a wife could not testify against her husband. He explained to them that it was like an insurance policy, backing their collection of drug debts with NF's reputation for violence. (People v. Osslo (1958) 50 Cal.2d 75, 84.) Since that decision, the California Supreme Court has recognized that the appellate courts are divided about whether the number of conspiracies proved is a factual question for the jury. However, it does not have to be the only factor that causes the [fear]." The Attorney General provides no record citations for these statements. March 20, 2015 / 11:00 PM WebTranslations in context of "" in Russian-English from Reverso Context: Components of that aggregate include the following consecutive terms doubled due to defendant's prior strike. Her fear of something happening to her or her son would not end with the end of defendant's trial. He was treated as a minor celebrity in nightclubs. Clayton "Shorte" Clark testified pursuant to a use immunity agreement and a plea agreement resolving charges against him in the current case and a murder case that is described at the end of this section. [] However, if you find beyond a reasonable doubt that there was not one overall agreement, but separate agreements, each accompanied by an overt act, then separate conspiracies have been established. ." Defendant provided PCP to Debbie, his brother Greg, and "Bear," among others. While there was no dispute that defendant was a NF member, there was evidence that defendant disobeyed the gang's directive to devote a portion of the proceeds of regiment drug sales to the gang. In July 2006 Clark approached defendant and proposed that the SJG gang would sell methamphetamine for him. "[T]he evidence in this case shows only one conspiracy, not the six separate conspiracies charged by the indictment." These are both factual questions for the jury to resolve. Conditional threats are true threats if their context reasonably conveys to the victim that they are intended. Debbie did not testify, contrary to defendant's appellate arguments, that she would have been as afraid of NF reprisals without his written threat. At the conclusion of the prosecution's evidence, on June 25, 2012 defendant made a motion under section 1118.1 based on a refused instruction he had proposed dealing with the issue of single versus multiple conspiracies. Officer Gillotte understood the directive about dealing with Leyvas to mean he was to be assaulted at the first opportunity. (Id. Anthony Giuliano, who had been accused of molesting a 15-year-old boy at Holy Rosary Defendant and Clark obtained methamphetamine from Jack Ochoa. Code, 11370.2, subd. Based on Gillotte's employment in jail classification and jail intelligence the court accepted him "as an expert in the area of prison street gangs operating in Santa Clara County Jail.". Ramirez became a Category II member in September 1998. . Debbie said defendant was mad about how Rodriguez had confronted her. . WebCervantes rise marked the first time in decades that the Norteos had a single leader at the helm of their criminal organization. Greg said Droopy was going to cover it. Under that standard, " 'an appellate court reviews the entire record in the light most favorable to the prosecution to determine whether it contains evidence that is reasonable, credible, and of solid value, from which a rational trier of fact could find [the elements of the crime] beyond a reasonable doubt.' that . One objective of the NF is " 'to build the organization on the outside, become self-supporting, work with those in alliance, any and all illegal ventures to build the funds that can be utilized to take care of members behind the walls or drug deals on the streets.' "The moment that she realized she was considering cooperating with law enforcement because of the pressure they were putting on her, her mind immediately went back to that letter. Apellido Apellido Primer Segundo Nmero de la. The Ruiz kite described a dispute at Elmwood concerning who was in charge and a Northerner who was falsely claiming to have the higher status of a NF member. WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. .". Debbie testified that she provided methamphetamine and PCP to Cindy at Cindy's request so that she could give them to Greg, who was in jail. According to Vince Tirri, if a child molester was not functioning in the gang and posed no immediate threat, no assault was required. At defendant's request after his arrest, Clark arranged that Sammy Ramirez would sell 1.5 ounces of PCP that defendant had left behind. Anthony Defendant was similarly the authority for Ruiz's kite identifying Leyvas as a target for removal, even if NF policy allowed the removal of a sex offender without a regimental commander's prior written approval, as defendant suggests. Unspecified section references are to the Penal Code. She had told him that he could believe what he wanted, but it wasn't true. At 1:36 p.m., Frank Gutierrez called his girlfriend Vanessa Carassco and asked her to call Cindy at a number he provided and give her the message that "he's got that for me" and he would have to give it to her. Defendant does not appear to have been playing by the NF rules or following its directives. The kite complained that reports "using only Cana codes" did not identify the authors. On February 12, 2008, Debbie called Leslie again and learned she had not heard from Bear. ), We accept the premise that when there is a factual dispute about whether a criminal defendant's conduct was among the causes of a victim's fear, injury, or death, the trial court sua sponte must give instructions about proximate causation and intervening, superseding causes. . And then at the end they send money, in theory, they send money to incarcerated members, and they carry out directives coming from inside of the institution." (b)) on January 8, 2007. "[T]he only possible inference [is ]that there was one conspiracy to establish a street regiment to distribute drugs, PCP and methamphetamine." Defendant asserts that the third one is most comparable to his case. Clark said they were close to "finishing the house." Debbie called Rodriguez and challenged the way he had questioned her. While all Nuestra Familia The Attorney General also explains how federal decisions have differentiated " 'vertical' " or " 'chain' " conspiracies from " 'hub and spoke' " conspiracies, while acknowledging the distinction "is of only limited value in determining whether an illegal drug distribution network is one or more conspiracies. In one case, a gang member who threatened a man in front of the man's wife and children was ordered by gang leaders to pay a $500 fine, she said. Defendant sometimes brought her along when he picked up money and dropped off drugs. Debbie testified that she realized they had her, so she admitted involvement in drug transactions, saying she had had no choice. A telephone conversation on April 3, 2007 beginning at 10:36 p.m. became a three-way call. Cervantes explained to Ruiz he had not gone into protective custody. One agreement cannot b[e] taken to be several agreements and hence several conspiracies simply because it envisions committing more than one crime. All rights reserved. He became the secretary of Skip Villanueva, a high-ranking NF member. John Mendoza testified that a "bad news list" is a list of everyone who has been deemed no good. After his release from prison, Ramirez contacted regiment leaders Abundiz and Campa and formed his own regiment in Santa Clara County as he had been instructed by Guillen. We have reviewed the testimony of Cervantes and Ruiz above (in part II.D) and need not summarize it in detail here. (People v. Fierro (2010) 180 Cal.App.4th 1342, 1347.). . Apart from Ruiz's testimony that defendant was temporarily removed from his position as the overcall NF jail authority when Ruiz wrote the kite, the prosecution's evidence established that defendant was the only NF authority in the Santa Clara County Jail who could authorize removals and that he had a motive to deem Cervantes no good, namely an unpaid drug debt. After defendant was incarcerated, Ramirez contacted defendant's PCP supplier, Mario, and obtained PCP from him. Some kites allude to orders from the alleged top crime boss of the gang, Antonio "Chuco" Guillen, who commands the criminal enterprise from within a secure facility at the Pelican Bay State Prison up north in Crescent City, where he is serving a life sentence for murder, she said. Finally at 8:36 p.m. there was a telephone call involving Cindy, Droopy, and his sister Kelly Namowicz. In 2008, Ruiz became the authority in charge of the jail for the NF and "Calpolli" was his "Cana" code. California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). At trial Debbie could not remember "Bear's" real name. They did not meet in person at the time. Gutierrez called Vanessa a third time at 3:45 p.m. Lewis testified that a money order placed on Guillen's books in Pelican State Prison was found during a February 20, 2008 search of one of Charlie Campas's residences. While he was in prison, he was involved in removals, which usually involved one inmate slashing the face of a gang enemy, after which "the bombers step in with two people who physically assault the individual so the person that was slicing them can get away." (a).) Code, 182, subd. This court recognized that "[a] trial court is required to instruct the jury to determine whether a single or multiple conspiracies exist only when there is evidence to support alternative findings." Daniel "Bear" Cervantes was the alleged victim of the assault conspiracy in count 6. She told him, "if you fucking write that ho back your fucking dick will be up your ass." On December 18, Debbie told defendant during a telephone call that the police raided the house the day before and had torn the house apart and taken all their letters and pictures and computers. Ramirez did not meet Clayton Clark until after defendant was arrested. Thus his removal was just.' The evidence in that case focused on NF activities between 1989 and 1993. Defendant has also cited other opinions discussing what might be called umbrella conspiracies involving the commission of several crimes. at p. Greg called Cindy 15 minutes later and said Droopy was going to call her shortly. After his testimony to the grand jury, deputy Frank Lopez . And, again, immediateobviously, the Defendant does not have someone right there at the time the letter is read to carry out the threat, but that's not what the law requires. Gillotte spoke with Leyvas about going into protective custody. The district attorney's office, the FBI, DEA, the California Highway Patrol, the sheriff's office, police from San Jose, Campbell, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Mountain View and Gilroy, county probation, state corrections officials and the Regional Auto Theft Task Force took part in the investigation, McKeown said. Tipo de Nmero de. The inmates w Every time she returns to Santa Clara County she fears for her life. . According to jail records, Cervantes was taken into custody on May 1, 2008. Dreamer and Bad Boy walked up the driveway toward Viramontes, and both began shooting. The FBI's Santa Clara County Violent Gang Task Force ran the Oct. 30 raid and used recorded phone calls and undercover purchases of methamphetamine to obtain the indictments against the 24 defendants, more than a dozen of them gang leaders, she said. Jack Ochoa supplied defendant with "ice," methamphetamine. Debbie said defendant was wondering if she ever got the money. Incarceration ended her addiction to PCP. Accordingly, the court instructed the jury in terms of CALJIC No. Defendant's record citations do not support this statement. On appeal, defendant essentially contends that the jury was required to believe the testimony of defense witnesses Ruiz and Cervantes regarding the assault counts. . The appellate court found there was substantial evidence that the defendant's words had eventually placed the victim in a state of sustained fear, if not when he uttered them, at least when she heard a fellow gang member was looking for her and she saw him near her house. . . Debbie testified that she was not afraid when she received the letter in August 2007 because she intended to stand by defendant, but she became afraid in December 2007 and January 2008 when conditions changed and she agreed to cooperate with law enforcement after they searched her residence and confronted her with evidence of her guilt. On appeal, defendant contends that the prosecutor proved at most an attempted criminal threat. He became a Category III member after his arrest. Lewis and Ramirez testified that Guillen had directed Ramirez to set up a regiment in Santa Clara County. Mario said he would make the same arrangements with Ramirez that he had with defendant, "L," namely he would front him one, two, or three ounces at a time and he could pay a day later. As we have rejected defendant's factual argument regarding the actual cause of Debbie's fear (in part III.B.1, ante), it follows that we have no basis for reducing his conviction to an attempted threat. in texas, norteo music is generally referred to as conjunto (after the ensemble that performs it), He did not deal directly with defendant because he heard defendant "was really hot.". The letter (Exhibit 168) does not appear in the record on appeal. His implicit premise is that the trial evidence as a matter of law proved the existence of one overall conspiracy that involved the commission of the five separate crimes. However, he testified that "it's all about money. She attended some of his meetings with leaders of other local NF regiments, including Charlie "Brown" Campa, Sammy "Black" Ramirez, and Marco "Red" or "Huero" Abundiz. According to Sergeant Lewis, "brown" referred to Charlie Campa and "black" referred to Sammy Ramirez. Hamilton 's Anthony Ramos Admits He Never Planned to Be on Broadway. He explained that regiment members "[i]n theory" had to pay the regiment monthly dues of $200. The indictment charged that defendant conspired to assault Leyvas between January 22 and October 7, 2008 and Cervantes between May 1, 2008 and April 23, 2009 (the date of the indictment). Clark kept returning to prison after being released. According to Sergeant Lewis, on May 26, 2007 Greg Guzman was found in jail in possession of methamphetamine that was wrapped in a note saying " '2nd Max ASAP.' In 1992 and 1993 she was convicted and imprisoned for possession of PCP. The remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel Stork Perez, Anthony Chuco Guillen and George Puppet Franco. The defense developed no evidentiary basis requiring the court to instruct the jury to decide whether Debbie's fear had one or more causes superseding defendant's threatening letter. ", Pursuant to this instruction, in addition to finding defendant guilty of the conspiracies alleged in counts 2 (to sell methamphetamine), 3 (to sell PCP), 4 (to smuggle a controlled substance into a penal institution), 6 (to assault Daniel Cervantes with a deadly weapon and 7 (to assault Henry Leyvas with a deadly weapon), the jury made a special finding that these five conspiracies "were separate and distinct. Norteos. At the time, Greg was housed in an area of the jail known as the snake pits, along with David "Pookie" Bermudez and Aldo "Droopy" Martinez. Debbie said she would put him out if he went out on her "[a]nd you'd better ask somebody." .". "So perhaps there was a conspiracy, but perhaps there wasn't." It is not the role of an appellate court to redetermine questions of credibility. "He is the granddaddy of the Nortenos in California," McKeown said. (Id. ". " Also according to Lewis, gang members would never bring drugs into jail just for personal use. "She gets on the stand and says, [']you know, I was never afraid, but now all of [a] sudden I'm being asked to wear a wire and work for the police. According to Debbie, defendant was supposed to be sending money orders to gang leaders incarcerated in Pelican Bay and in Colorado, but was not doing it. 1338.) .". It was not based on the debt owed defendant. At trial she denied appellant's words alone frightened her." Familiar rules apply to appellate challenges to the sufficiency of the evidence to support a criminal conviction. " [']If you leave me[,] I will kill you. We recognize that defendant made a similar argument in his motion for new trial, which asserted: "It was not until December of 2007 after police contacted Debbie Guzman and raided her home that Debbie Guzman became fearful for her safety. Leslie said that Bear told her he had moved to Modesto and would call her back and, when she called him two days later, his phone was disconnected. The parties stipulated that Frank Ruiz was the author of the kite (the Ruiz kite). It ended, "Love you, always, your husband.". Actual cause is used in its ordinary sense in that instruction. Even if Debbie had perceived Rodriguez's challenge to her as threatening, as the Attorney General asserts, it is likely that this challenge reinforced defendant's earlier statement that he would have her killed if she did him wrong, just as the conduct by fellow gang members in Mendoza clarified the threat made in that case. Defendant contends that Mendoza, Ramirez, and Clark all testified that the NF leadership controlled what crimes NF members on the streets could commit and what drugs they could sell. WebAnthony Guillen Senior Director, Strategic Sourcing and Asset Management at OmniTRAX, Inc. Longmont, CO. Anthony Guillen Public Sector | Google Cloud Austin, TX. . Get 1 point on adding a valid citation to this judgment. The three dots can represent prison, hospital, and cemetery , which are associated with the gang lifestyle.. What does sureo stand for? (Id. Ruiz told him not to worry about his debt to defendant, just to pay it when he got out. Defendant claims that Debbie testified that "she was very afraid of reprisals from [NF] members if she were to cooperate with law enforcement authorities, and if her cooperation became known." 1300 that proving a violation of section 422 as charged in Count 5 involved establishing six elements: "[1] The defendant willfully threatened to unlawfully kill or unlawfully cause great bodily injury to Debbie Guzman; [2] [t]he Defendant made the threat in writing; [3] [t]he Defendant intended that his statement be understood as a threat and intended that it be communicated to Debbie Guzman; [4] [t]he threat was so clear, immediate, unconditional, and specific that it communicated to Debbie Guzman a serious intention and the immediate prospect that the threat would be carried out; [5] [t]he threat actually caused Debbie Guzman to be in sustained fear for her own safety, and; [6] Debbie Guzman's fear was reasonable under the circumstances." Ruiz's kite was intended to calm people in Elmwood down, on the false assumption that Cervantes had already been removed. Carlos Roman brought the drugs to Cervantes and went to retrieve them when Cervantes failed to act. That's really what it all comes down to when you're talking about [NF]. There was testimony about Guillen's communication with leaders of other NF regiments. We agree that the elements of a violation of section 422 do not include a requirement that defendant's letter have been the sole cause of Debbie's sustained fear so long as it was a substantial factor in actually causing her fear. "So I would expect that you would find him guilty of those counts, and I would expect that you probably would find the gang enhancement to be true because it was done in association with and for the benefit of." He was confirmed as a NF member when he returned from Mexico. (Santa Clara County Super. Meanwhile, Ramirez was obtaining PCP from defendant indirectly through a third party, Abundiz. In evidence were eight recorded calls involving defendant and Clark between March 16 and July 2, 2007. She said defendant thought Clark was ignoring them. Ruiz and Cervantes both testified that Cervantes talked to Ruiz in February 2009 about his $400 debt to defendant. September 1, 2010 / 9:38 AM / CBS San Francisco. They were relocated from Pelican Bay State Prison to federal prison in Oakland. I never took it seriously. Anthony "Chavo" Jacobs is currently in prison, . "It's clear, it's clear that Mr. Guzman is guilty, and I would expect you to find him guilty of conspiring with other gang members to distribute drugs." The raids, dubbed "Operation Red October," resulted in charges against 24 suspects and the seizure of cash, pounds of methamphetamine, guns and coded "kites," or gang orders written on bits of paper and placed in body cavities of jail inmates, Supervising Deputy District Attorney Marisa McKeown said. While these conspiracies allegedly occupied different time periods, namely January 22 to October 27, 2008, for Leyvas and May 1, 2008, to April 23, 2009 for Cervantes, the documentary evidence of both conspiracies was one kite written by Frank Ruiz on October 21, 2008 and sent to the Elmwood jail facility. This dialog followed. We're not contesting that issue. Whether the object of a single agreement is to commit one or many crimes, it is in either case the agreement which constitutes the crime. "She" would direct her where to go and it had to be done today. Before deciding this issue, we will review its procedural history. Suffice it to say that the jury had reason to disbelieve each one of them. The jury was instructed in terms of CALCRIM No. [']" Defense counsel acknowledged that a threat could be conditional, but "we know when she got [the] letter she said, 'I know you ain't gonna do shit,' and they both laughed." 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Defendant said he had deemed Cervantes no good. She brought up the letter twice in contemporaneous telephone calls with defendant. 211398 & 211138). 539, 543), various NF members testified about the organization and its criminal activities between approximately 1989 and 1993. . The letter also referred to Ramirez as "on freeze" and Mendoza as " 'no good.' Defendant said he was putting something else in, "a little moon stuff." They've done it since the 60s.". ", We consider Vargas, supra, 91 Cal.App.4th 506 to have been a unique case factually where the prosecution's evidence of one overall conspiracy was apparently so compelling that no reasonable juror could have found the existence of more than one conspiracy. . at pp. (Williams, supra, at p. [13] Mientras que los miembros de la pandilla los Norteos son considerados soldados de a pie de Nuestra Familia, el ser miembro de Nuestra Familia no significa que tenga asociacin con los Norteos. Count 2 alleged that defendant and 25 other individuals who were members and associates of his regiment conspired with others to sell methamphetamine between April 25, 2002 and April 23, 2009. Defendant was "the overall authority in the county jail as the regimental commander . at p. . Mendoza was also the commander of a NF regiment in San Jose in 2003 until his incarceration in June 2004. At the time, "Frank Ruiz was the authority in charge, the second in command to the Defendant, Lorenzo Guzman." The exercise of that discretion involves questions of prosecutorial policies and judgment, not questions of fact for the jury to determine." The only crime without a gang enhancement was defendant's active participation in the NF criminal street gang between April 25, 2002, and April 23, 2009 (the date of his indictment (count 1; 186.22, subd. Livingston and Valdez testified that Guillen was in contact with regimental commander James Cramer in October 2005 and that Cramer reported to Guillen. ['] ", He continued, it was "not the law" that her fear upon cooperating with law enforcement related back to the letter. In the letter were the statements: " 'Debbie's sister was given the house and kids when Debbie last moved out, so that should be respected. WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. At trial defendant played a recording of the first call to the jury during his opening statement. Mendoza described what he considered to be an indirect communication by Guillen to defendant. Defendant does not elaborate on what that peculiar meaning is. ), At trial the prosecutor argued to the jury: "A threat which may appear to be conditional on its face is unconditional under its circumstances. That was "the genesis of that letter." According to Correctional Deputy James Kirkland of the Sheriff's Office, all telephone calls from the Santa Clara County Jail are recorded, except for calls going to lawyers and the clergy. People v. Johnson (2013) 57 Cal.4th 250, 266.) Yes, American Me is based on a true story.While the film deviates to create imaginary characters and events, the basics of the story remain tethered to reality. "[H]e was acting smart and he was acting rude and he was like saying how come you didn't tell us your house got raided . According to gang expert Valdez, when an inmate comes to an institution, the prison gang will ask for the inmate's paperwork. WebMariano Chuy Martinez Varrio Nuevo Estrada was tried separately as he faced a possible death sentence for his involvement in the crimes detailed in the indictment. WebCervantes' rise marked the first time in decades that the Norteos had a single leader at the helm of their criminal organization. Criminal organization had a single leader at the time, `` if you fucking that... She brought up the driveway toward Viramontes, and `` black '' to! Webcervantes rise marked the first opportunity the money prison gang will ask for the jury to determine ''... Had confronted her. to defendant in evidence were eight recorded calls involving defendant and Clark methamphetamine. Daniel Stork Perez, anthony Chuco Guillen and George Puppet Franco anthony Giuliano, had. Role of an appellate court to redetermine questions of credibility a conspiracy, it... 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