Easily create a Forum Website with Website Toolbox. All verified shareholders will be contacted individually with info proceeding in time from that point. Moderators: imSINGLEruRICH, JoeRockss. To the extent that such communication was faulty and engendered confusion and/or false hope among you, the fault is entirely mine; please accept my heartfelt apology. The Company is currently evaluating 7 companies each of whom will benefit from new managerial economic assessment, asset appraisals, accounting peer review and legal restructuring. So in link with my current Nickel Stock that Sprott was invested in that seem to have suffered this kind of playbook for the last 3 years. I'm a "CMKX Adolescent" now - 17 years. Judgements against several defendants, ordering them to pay repay millions, were made by the court. .However, there is no code or intent to have you read between any lines.) The talk show schedule is available at http://www.princetonresearch.com . Furthermore, the graph reveals that the price of CMKM's stock plummeted a staggering 99.17% during that same period, which means a disproporionate amount of sell orders existed in relationship to . The largest litigation ever against the SEC and the Department of Justice of the U.S. was at the sum of 3.87 trillion. More information on the process to submit your valid certificates and many other action items will be posted to this web site next week, so please bookmark this site and check back to learn about our collective next steps. To All Current Members--Please Read. The Transfer Agent has received numerous requests for certificate transfers and is doing its best to process requests as quickly as possible. I see no reason to give the detractors any more ammunition to support their commentaries. Good evening to all CMKX shareholders. But there is is another major difference. Re: accadacca However, enforcement of the judgements is pending. CMKM Diamonds Inc Message board - Online Community of active, educated investors researching and discussing CMKM Diamonds Inc Stocks. The FED, illuminati banking elite, government regulators, would rather see the world burn before letting poor people get any sort of comparable money to them. Leverage is beneficial to hastening receipt of Economic Release; it is not required and will have no real impact on the litigation. While I am discussing the DTCC, several of you e-mailed about certain language in the first letter that was sent to participating brokers which stated Upon Surrender of CMKM Diamonds Inc. Common Shares. Quote. Under a naked short sale, short positions are not declared, shares are not borrowed to cover the short sale, and the shares are sold without delivering the stock to the purchaser. Company & JV Partnership News and Updates. Mr. Maheu is to begin his deposition today with the SEC. As of Tues. 11 May midnight PST the Emergency Broadcast System was fully functional and ready to be deployed by the Military. That is full 5 years. Since my certificate is "in the mail" i am writing my non-circumvention agreement. They've already tried turning off the buy button. CMKM/CMKX Buzzz. The Board of Directors has nominated David DeSorneau as Treasurer. We are too busy trying to find out how 60 or 70 thousand accounts became 30 or 40 thousand accounts in a relatively short period of time. CMKX United Shareholders Board . CMKM Diamonds, Inc. By September of that year, the shares outstanding had ballooned to nearly 780 billion. https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/05/14/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-14-2021/, News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Afternoon 3-1-2023, Iraqi News Highlights Wednesday Afternoon 3-1-23, Lynette Zang and Andy Schectman Wednesday 3-1-2023, Goldilocks "ETC's and XRP" Wednesday 3-1-2023, "Coffee With MarkZ" Wednesday Morning Chat 3-1-2023, Wednesday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 3-1-23, Judy, MilitiaMan, Walkingstick and more.Wednesday AM 3-1-2023, "Tidbits From TNT" Wednedsay Morning 3-1-2023, More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday PM 2-28-2023, Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ 2-28-2023, Iraqi News Highlights Tuesday Evening 2-28-23, Biden Aims To Shatter Record For Fastest Tax Increase, Some "Vietamese News" Posted by Henig at KTFA Tuesday 2-28-2023, Iraqi News Highlights Tuesday Afternoon 2-28-23, 8 Steps To Improve Your Finances in One Year, Goldilocks Tuesday AM "Global Financial Inclusion" 2-28-2023, "Coffee with MarkZ" Tuesday Morning Chat "NDA's" 2-28-2023, "Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Morning 2-28-2023, Join the Recaps Free Email Newsletter List. Artificial. The legal audit of its shareholders of record will speed up this process. You should seek and rely on the advice of licensed and registered financial, legal and tax advisers of your choice. June 2020 - August 2021. The Distribution Plan has not been finalized at this time. Total Received Fax's: 6746Total Fax's Filed: 6746Number of Certs: 11986Total Shares: 159,964,802,558Number of Shareholders: 5986. I follow the markets but i am also a Cmkx shareholder. The US Department of Defense would be activating the Quantum Financial System at any time. Further, Maheu categorically denies that he has a grandson involved with CMKM, and stated that "anyone purporting to be my grandson and involved with CMKM is not legitimate." The Iraqi govt. Receipt of the Economic Release will impact, one way or another, the entire financial structure of US and international activities. Messrs. McFadden, Bending and Taulli are currently affiliated with Juina Mining Corporation. I'm going to keep this short as I had just found it. The trading volume regularly triggered -- at 2,147,483,647 shares -- a 32-bit signed integer glitch in all quote services except Stockwatch, which programmed around the problem. Information changes by the day, and we are realizing that it will be almost impossible to find all shareholders of this stock. Feb/04 - CMKM is featured in a newspaper article in the Prince Albert Herald. If I recall, the shares were roughly 0.0003 per share. The Task Force has established a Web site, http://www.cmkmtaskforce.com, for posting of corporate updates and other relevant information as and when it becomes available.SOURCE: CMKM Diamonds Inc.CMKM Diamonds Inc., Las VegasInvestor Relations702-966-6328Copyright Business Wire 2006. General. Hodges hyped the expectations of 50,000 CMKX shareholders just outside of a courtroom with his "if I were a betting man I would say we get paid by Christmas" statement approximately two weeks before December 25, 2011. All corporate and Task Force updates will be made in press releases or other forms of distribution media as they become available. The dividend will be paid out on Apr 1 to shareholders of record as of Mar 15. I receive many rude and sarcastic emails about the company and I simply delete most of them. CMKX Shareholders Coalition (11-06-09) Letter to the current CMKM management (11-20-09) REQUIREMENT LETTER (04-23-10) If I receive an email or a phone call that is a legitimate inquiry or a question that I can answer, I will do so. Additionally, it should be known that the Stoecklein Law Group is not counsel for CMKM. Home Forum Help Search Welcome Guest. 1 day 5 days 10 days 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year Buy CMKX Online Today!, find the best broker here. If you have already sent it this way, Please do NOT resend. they will take the ones they now have. Now then, there are a few area we can help in. Unfortunately our e-mail looks like spam to some ISPs, and in turn is blocked. The word scam is coming up a lot in the searches. The shareholders of the new target company will be treated with the same fairness and therefore will be entitled to receive a mandatory 8% dividend of the total number of CMKI shares exchanged with the new target company. On Nov. 18, 2005, Entourage Mining Ltd. announced that it had closed the private placement, which was a condition to completing the transaction involving the issuance of an original 50,000,000 shares of Entourage stock to CMKM. CMKM Press Releases and Official News. I have been authorized to release a current Securities Position Report from the DTCC. A stockholder will retain their CMKM shares upon completion of the verification process. But here is some interesting reading: After losing at every federal court level the CMKX case was finally appealed to the US Supreme Court and they refused to hear it, the case is dead, they LOST. The Frizzell Law Firm is handling the certificate fax-in program and certificate verification. give ameritrade a call and ask them if your certificate was sent to them Business Wire 01/19/06, 3:01p (Copyright 2006, Business Wire) LAS VEGAS, Jan 19, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CMKM Diamonds Inc. today announced a corporate update to its stockholders by disclosing the following information: Periodically CMKM intends to provide updates by the Task Force, which has been implemented to distribute assets primarily consisting of 45,000,000 shares of Entourage Mining Ltd. common stock. Tier 4B would be notified across the globe by email or publication of the Secured Website. Be the change you want to see in the world! That SEC wants this to happen before the Senate comes back from their memorial day break . From%20DeltaDon%20 Re%3a%20update | RaginBull.com, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cmkmdiamondsinc.com%2FFRYAR-FINAL-REPORT.pdf&ei=OKi8UsHKBoL8oATczIGwCw&usg=AFQjCNH6oOtRf2l9ff2rLsBox4yhI5S5bA&bvm=bv.58187178,d.cGU&cad=rja, Mark Z Says CMKX Is Ready to Go - CEO Says CMKX Has Been SHUT DOWN! The suit contends between June 1, 2004 and October 28, 2005 "a total of 2.25 trillion 'phantom' shares of CMKM Diamonds, Inc. were sold into the public market through legitimate brokers, illegitimate brokers and dealers, market-makers, hedge funds, ex clearing transactions and private transactions. Aug 9, 2021 at 11:40am seagull likes this. This fax number is set up to take 4 incoming faxes at a time and is where the action of documentation is taking place. First let me say I apologize in advance for any of you who read this on the boards who are on the mailing list and did not get this update. Electronic and/or other forms of ownership (i.e. Something went wrong. Company Contacts. Lastly, each of the members of the Task Force has received subpoenas from the SEC to produce documents and appear for depositions. SEC says they are investigating, but there are many discrepancies and selectiveness in their investigation, and from our point of view they are just dragging us out in time. The share and cash dividend policy is explained below in fuller detail. Do not use any email address except NakedFax@CMKXownersGroup.com Many emails are going to John's email and they are not set up to take them in this manner. Even Madoff victims got some money back and very fast while we sit here still. Those of you who are calling for the purpose of confirming receipt of your certs are asked to patiently check the confirmation line before calling this office. I will be faxing it to Frizzell and Stoecklein requesting they sign and return immediately so i can mail in my certificate when i get it i pray the rumor is a fact that "the check is in the mail". Djzzz I wish my CERTS were IN THE MAIL but they are still in my accounts so i don't know WHEN I will get themI hope the check is IN THE MAIL TOOsome day it WILL BE I BETFlying Moose(cmkx-treme). You are brave, you have integrity, you didn't give up, you stared into the . 13 May, which didnt happen. Stockholder's certificates are only being utilized to verify their entitlement to their percentage of the distribution of CMKM assets, primarily consisting, at this time, of the Entourage stock. We are not dealing in the shadows and can assure all CMKM stockholders that all members of the Task Force are working as a united front and are all being provided with the same information. To do this we have created a master list from a June 2005 NOBO list, January 2006 NOBO list and a Canadian NOBO list. Many are using the office fax machine and Bill Frizzell needs that number free for VERY IMPORTANT faxes to and from attorneys and others. Roll Call: For CMKX Shareholders - February 2021 Feb 23, 2021 11:06:42 GMT -4 via mobile kranker and ChuckWheat like this. Look at all the articlesyou tell me that this country is not international. Try loading this page again in a moment. The Stoecklein Law Group is currently involved only in assisting stockholders in the receipt of their appropriate number of shares of Entourage stock and other assets, if available. I am David Nelson of the CMKX Shareholders Coalition for Justice, I represent a large group of investor in CMKM Diamonds Inc. who would like an investigation into Canadian firms knowingly selling unregistered securities in CMKX stock, a company listed on the pink sheets of the OTC market in the United States, but revoked by the SEC in October 2005. THIS APPLIES TO ALL OF YOUR ACCOUNTS, NO EXCEPTIONS. The Task Force will not be directly responding to questions from CMKM stockholders. Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. We have very competent staff and are thrilled with the work of the shareholders in getting this information to the Task Force. During that news conference, Hughes called Mr. Maheu "a no-good son of a pregnate dog who robbed me blind." Mr. Maheu sued him in federal court for defamation. 1. Seventh, CMKI believes that its acquisition strategy, spearheaded by the Casavant Family, will require the addition of a seasoned management team. Never, ever give up! They are set up for the emails, but it takes twice as long to do the documentation in the way they must handle it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------. As many of you are aware, the SECs General Counsel has agreed to accept service on behalf of the five current Commissioners. 2023 Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights ReservedWe do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications including any rumors or opinions posted or otherwise contained on Dinarrecaps.com or post or email or any related or affiliated website or Twitter account (collectively, the "Website"). This office and Mr. Stoeckleins office have been in discussions most of the day with various brokerage firms, the transfer agent and the DTCC. Please Login or Register. Except this . This group can have a profound effect on the stock market if this group stays together and works together in the face of a well coordinated group of bashers and detractors to our efforts. Waterhouse Capital Markets VFIN Vfinance Investments, Inc. (1) Globenet Securities, Inc. was an active market maker during part of the trading day on January 6, 2003, but later "excused" itself from market making activities. Previous Thread; Cmkx or Cmkm diamonds inc shareholders have been waiting for a long long time. We Are at The Start of the Supercycle for Gold and Silver, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lcwU14lojo. Second, CMKI will be contacting the broker-dealer and market maker community to request their cooperation in the shareholder audit. Iraqi lockdown was like lockdowns in other countries that were blamed on COVID-19 but were really for the RV Shotgun Start and the exchanges to start in multiple countries. The U.S. Department of Justice, which is pursuing a separate but related criminal case, issued a statement addressing rumors of a settlement fund, saying that it has no evidence of a fund available to pay claims of defrauded CMKM shareholders. cmkx shareholder are getting paid this week. Senator Specter said: As this GAO study establishes, the SEC is capable of enforcing pre-borrow and delivery rules when it so desires. The Task Force has established two fax lines (903-595-5724 and 903-595-5394) where all CMKM stockholders can fax a copy of their certificates to be matched to a certified stockholder list. Many features may not work properly without it. Because of my position on the Task Force and somewhat regular contact with Urban, Mr. Stoecklein and Mr. Maheu, this office and the staff compiling the cert pull information have become the call center for questions about the company. Folks posting DD and coming together on forums. It is not fair to people to be in this position after 5 years. The language should have stated A stockholder will retain their CMKM shares upon receiving the Entourage Certificates.. It's under the pretense that Iraq is about to raise the value of its currencyif they don't go International. Questions such as When will this mess be over with? or How much am I going to get for my stock? or Is this company a scam? do not get responses from me. - brokerage statements) will not be accepted by the Task Force as evidence of ownership. RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 14 May 2021, Compiled Fri. 14 May 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington. CMKX has a role to play and we are doing our very best to assist in its successful conclusion. SOURCE: CMKM Diamonds Inc. CMKM Diamonds Inc., Las Vegas Investor Relations 702-966-6328 Copyright Business Wire 2006, CMKM Diamonds Task Force Provides Corporate Update1/19/2006 3:01:01 PMLAS VEGAS, Jan 19, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CMKM Diamonds Inc. today announced a corporate update to its stockholders by disclosing the following information:Periodically CMKM intends to provide updates by the Task Force, which has been implemented to distribute assets primarily consisting of 45,000,000 shares of Entourage Mining Ltd. common stock. Well we're not selling and this company isn't going bankrupt. Robert A. Maheu, a Task Force Administrator, stated, "The sole purpose of the Task Force is to assist the stockholders of CMKM in obtaining a distribution of the assets of CMKM, pursuant to a Distribution Plan, primarily consisting of the Entourage shares. If you read into the CMKX rabbit hole you will find similarities of these CMKX shareholders and GME. As of today, November 4, 2005 there is only one thing you need to do. Any assets available for distribution will be proportionately distributed to those stockholders who have complied with the certificate verification process. (Entourage's press releases can be found on their Web site: http://www.entouragemining.com. I am not at liberty to discuss all the reasons for requests for extensions in this update. . General Discussion. The stocks were traded a couple years ago as penny stocks.. 4. You should recall that Urban and the company are both still under investigation by the SEC and Urban has very competent counsel that guides him in his communications with shareholders. Because of the significant interest of various stockholder groups, it has been determined by the Task Force to delegate the various activities required to comply with a Distribution Plan. "As to why there has been no news in the past month, the Task Force was awaiting delivery of the share certificate from Entourage, which was received on Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006. The SEC states that it filed a civil action against the company and 13 individual defendants in 2008, charging them with violations of federal securities laws for illegally issuing and selling stock in CMKM Diamonds, Inc., a supposed mining company in Las Vegas, Nevada. Yours are probably in the same group, i requested my certificate Nov 4, again Nov 7 and Nov 14 they took my money and made the request. Get Daily Updates of the NEWS & GURUS in your EMAILCHECK YOUR EMAIL for VERIFICATION, Dinar Daily::DINAR/IRAQ -- NEWS -- GURUS and DISCUSSIONS::GURU FICTION & PREDICTION DAILY. Thank you everyone for your help and support! Due to the work involved inputting the information from these certs into our system, it will take us several days to catch up with these last minute mailins. The fact they are getting paid is huge h.Holly: Rv News: It is confirmed that the cmkx has started paying out their shareholders. The "END CMKX NOW" team is forming a new corporation: You must be logged in to give a plus1 award. Do not read into this act anything of significance. It will take 2 days for the certificate to get to me by mail. So now what? But we are still here. And every broker made money on our purchases. The Cert Pull has been extended until January 30th 2006. CMKM Diamonds. Financial companies making tons of money on dubious products and when it all crumbled to the ground American investors - American taxpayers, the same ones that were never very protected by SEC, once again paid for the Big financial companies. Give Gift; Back to Top; Subsequently, as a result of a decrease in the mining claims involved in the original transaction, Entourage unilaterally reduced the number of shares by 5,000,000 shares. I think Al Hodges is just another wack job ---. Stuck between a cohen and a bunch of hard redditors. That case was ongoing as of September 2015. General . As most of you know my name is Al Hodges; I filed the Bivens lawsuit against past and present SEC Commissioners. jacbert: Recess Schedule Schedule for the 110th Congress (2nd Session) Tentative as of 1/4/08. ~ we have found in internet that ends on june 2nd.. and their last day of holiday is on june 1st sunday. The Task Force will not be conducting any due diligence to determine the validity of any other potential assets of CMKM other than those stated above. Click Here. This was designed to help ALL shareholders. Note: Your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. One source said that we had until Sat. Any assets available for distribution will be proportionately distributed to those stockholders who have complied with the certificate verification process. The Stoecklein Law Group is currently involved only in assisting stockholders in the receipt of their appropriate number of shares of Entourage stock and other assets, if available.The Task Force has established two fax lines (903-595-5724 and 903-595-5394) where all CMKM stockholders can fax a copy of their certificates to be matched to a certified stockholder list. My friend invested, and I gave him money to do so as well. My office has obtained clarification from the DTCC and the wording was simply an oversight on their part. The burning of chlorinated compounds is a top cause of cancer. V. Frankel & Co., Inc. GNET Globenet Securities, Inc. (1) GNLN Gunallen Financial, Inc. GVRC GVR Company LLC HILL Hill Thompson Magid, L.P. JEFF Jeffries & Company, Inc. LTCO Ladenburg, Thalman & Co., Inc. MAYF May Financial Corporation MHMY M. H. Meyerson & Co., Inc. NAIB Global Partners Securities Inc. NATL National Securities Corporation NITE Knight Securities, L.P. PGON Paragon Capital Markets, Inc. See full Disclaimer. Feb/04 - U.S. Canadian Minerals Inc. & CMKM Diamonds Inc. (DTCC) for the sole benefit of CMKM/CMKX shareholders for damages in excess of $3.87 trillion, based on allegations that the S.E.C. invented 2.25 trillion of PHANTOM SHARES in CMKM/CMKX stock, which . Feb/04 - CMKM announces the company has obtained funding for US $1.8 million with a further pledge for US 3.2 million. 145: A US Treasury source said that a massive release of monies was expected late Thurs. I am glad to explain issues in my updates but I make an effort to simply state the facts and I do not intend hidden meanings. https://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=46748341. Investors complained about Nss but SEC did not listen. I think it's more linked with the NESARA stuff than the dinar. Because of the significant interest of various stockholder groups, it has been determined by the Task Force to delegate the various activities required to comply with a Distribution Plan. The CMKX Diamonds Information Web Site contains documents and information pertaining to the Shareholder Coalition lawsuit against the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). CMKM/CMKX Buzzz. You can draw whatever conclusions you wish based on this information. As Tramp and many others have suggested, this effort is not about CMKX alone. The Transfer Agent has received numerous requests for certificate transfers and is doing its best to process requests as quickly as possible. ". ( verification will be done by mid Sept 2021) 3.Make sure your computer, phone etc is working. Volume Open Day's Low Day's High 52 Wk Low 52 Wk High Bid Ask EPS PE Ratio Shares Market Cap Dividend Ex-Div Date Yield. In fact there are reports some shareholders tried to get newspapers and news channels to cover the story but they wouldn't. . If needed team will contact you. I also opined, based on information being provided to me, that I believed such receipt was imminent. Thurs. If your URL is correct, you'll see an image preview here. It is unclear at this time what impact the SEC will have, if any, on the distribution and operations of the Task Force. I recommend that you read the legal allegations carefully; they will explain what has happened with yourinvestmentup through 2009. There are people already dying that will never see the end of this saga or .. receive the ROI. I can not ignore the implications of our findings as the cert information comes into this office. Counsel for CMKM recall, the SEC is capable of enforcing pre-borrow delivery... Of Defense would be notified across the globe by email or publication of the Force... 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