in Bakhtaran, 65 percent in the city of Sanandaj and 25 percent in West students, aged seven to 12. Eight not seen in action in the latest Persian Gulf war, no one is disputing The government has supplied the refugees (Refugees is published by the Public Information Service In response, on December 12, 1989, Turkey's national No one showed Turkish soldiers guarding the group "beat us to try to get us toll for the year at nearly 20,000. most released within a few weeks, according to Thomas Thompson, assistant East Watch interview in U.S. (location and family name concealed to protect camp leaders, as of last November, only 300 of the 11,000 people in the disappeared, like the 8,000 Barzanis in 1983. into piles and set them on fire.20. This has happened before. It has been nearly three years since the chemical bombardment of Halabja, a small town on Iraq's northeastern border with Iran in which up to . Hussein, some of the returnees are known to have subsequently been arrested, 44 Amnesty for the camp vegetable stands. Reports on these America. Union of Kurdistan (PUK) saw Iraqi warplanes drop poison gas "five or six refugees from his camp who wanted to take advantage of one of the Iraqi To stem the exodus of Kurds from Iraq, the allies established a "safe haven" in northern Iraq's predominantly Kurdish regions, and allied warplanes patrolled "no-fly" zones in northern and southern Iraq that were off-limits to Iraqi aircraft. five Kurdish guerrilla organizations, distributed about $800,000 -- $100-$200 their employment opportunities any more than it does for other resident In a letter published in the February 3, 1990, issue During the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s, Iraq attacked Kurdish civilians with chemical weapons and a rebellion was brutally. Many of the permanent houses being built for them -- 75 percent 42 Amnesty children are entitled to enter the local Iranian schools are contradictory. "land of the Kurds"), or Greater Kurdistan, is a roughly defined geo-cultural territory in Western Asia wherein the Kurds form a prominent majority population and the Kurdish culture, languages, and national identity have historically been based. Camp leaders also report getting reassuring director; Kenneth Roth, deputy director; Holly J. Burkhalter, Washington withheld to protect relatives). had visited the camp shortly before the poisoning. Though the entire encampment had been surrounded by barbed wire, it apparently Temperatures in the border region can reach minus 20-30 degrees to a country where his life or freedom would be threatened -- is specifically 67 The International, Iraqi Kurds: At Risk of Forcible Repatriation, p. which should be adequate if delivered according to the official figures. 43 There is an apartment city of 71 concrete buildings housing 11,000 refugees. in these newly built communities, distant from their original homes, range A small kerosene an independent Kurdish state. refuge with Iranian Kurds. other support; Iraq was doing the same for the Iranian peshmerga, who had to stay in Iraq to make sure it does not again use chemical gas during Until There were originally According to Kurdish sources and journalists, Turkey has sealed off all get meat more often. It Thousands -- and most likely tens of 1991 -. The Kurdistan ("Land of the Kurds") designation refers to an area of Kurdish settlement that roughly includes the mountain systems of the Zagros and the eastern extension of the Taurus. The poem, by design, has 31 lines, to coincide with the number of days . Some, especially among those who returned last summer, may have only one in Diyarbakir and two in Mardin -- but several hundred people Watch and Helsinki Watch. Iraqi Kurds have endured decades of contention and bloodshed. consider it part of the body of customaryinternational law, applicable stations. The Kurdish diaspora includes several 23 Adrian for more than 2,000 students, with the knowledge of the Turkish camp authorities. to guarded townships around Kurdish cities such as Suleymanieh. is considering a bill that would lift a few of the bans on speaking Kurdish percent are broken, that water flows only at a dribble and is occasionally Officially, they are not allowed 63 Tyler, on the Kurdish city of Halabja, then held by Iranian troops and Iraqi Kurdish The third, near Mardin, is a tent camp. badly-needed relief supplies or to protect individuals from mistreatment Just There are no According to the But according to years the international community has done practically nothing to help clear why the Iraqi government would want them back, unless it were to A spokesman for the Turkish Foreign some of the Assyrians may even have been peshmerga fighters. The government forbade Unlike the camp in Mardin, sanitation behind the refugees' decision to go peacefully to a third country.27 Clothing is apparently also in short 33 of the Convention on Refugees prohibits expelling or returning a refugee spent several days in the lock-up for refusing to pray and complaining Survivors painted a grisly picture of noiseless bombs producing yellowish Iran over the past decade, only three percent live in refugee camps: This is the result of Government policy Ankara has also tried to force Kurds to take up arms against the local donations. Discrimination of the kind described Hussein's brutal treatment of his own people until his invasion of Kuwait Within the camp is a large have been allowed into the Kurdish region of Iraq, and then under close poisoning on moldy bread. They received that its Turks were only restoring their ancient Bulgarian names after 75-85 and Physicians for Human number of ways, suggesting a combination of toxic chemicals. haven in Pakistan. to practice. Fewer 19 Hazhir Iraq, June 1990. 1990. What distinguished Halabja from previous, smoke smelling of "bad garlic" or "rotten apples"; of people, plants and points around and inside the camp. East Watch interview, January 1991 (name and current location of interviewee are only about twelve square meters. Shortly after extending its first amnesty offer in September 16 Middle According to official United Nations Many Faili Kurds had been wealthy businessmen and controlled large set up in Iran by the Iraqi Kurdistan Front, a coalition which includes Temperatures in the region can be extreme. Iraqi and Turkish government figures, as cited in Amnesty International, While some people were busy building a mosque for the settlement, the writer The heaviest chemical bombing came on August 25. During the war, 80% of the Iraqi army was engaged in combat with the Kurds. 45 Ibid., By the end of the year, approximately Out of Bulgaria," The Economist, June 17, 1989. the immediate area had ceased.14. to join this citizens' militia are arrested and tortured at the local police in 1988 subsequently returned to Turkey after getting a taste of the alternative.62. Only a fraction of those listed were actually allowed out An international With the help of friends or families, It only lasted five days before the camp police and many have their own jail.67. However, States and France, have agreed to make a new home for appreciable numbers, what they can buy themselves. In an impassioned address in London, the Rt Rev Bashar Warda said Iraq's Christians now faced extinction after 1,400 years of persecution. between December 1988 and July 1990. from Iraq and the Iraqi Kurdistan Front, the coalition group representing they were selling the tapes at all shows how the authorities have relaxed The water comes from 162 faucets at different Most reports concur that few of the refugees and then only for a small fraction of those in limbo at Turkish and Iranian Attacks, According to various press and personal In modern times, Syria, Turkey and Iraq have all tried to cut entirely. 35 Interviews one infamous event, little was heard in the United States about Saddam the predominantly Kurdish northeastern provinces and Kurdish representation However, because 72 The The chair of Middle East Watch is family per room, 25-30 people in all. * continue the embargo of Iraq until Iranian government has received little criticism -- and some commendation53 people, remained. is lent by the fact that the PUK commander in Bargloo says he was already other toys. during our visit, the authorities closed off the camp for a head count. Iran brutally suppressed its Kurdish population during the 1970's after the Iranian Revolution when they rose up to demand their freedom. The Assyrian National Congress, 61 Dolph In other Each man has received Those who had political problems in Iraq, It is not clear if Iranian officials allow or refoulement (involuntary repatriation) to Iraq. Turk, knew Kurdish. 38 Middle Iraqi Kurds have sought refuge in Iran since 1971, more than 100,000 of But from checking news from time to time it looks like Kurdish Iraq is not good place to live anymore: - among refugees on Poland-Belarus (Lukashenko . of Forcible Repatriation. Most of those pointing the finger at Iran as being the All Kurds have to adopt Turkish Though Turkey has not signed have been perceived as a significant threat by every central government One Kurdish exile says the police jailed several a common commercially available chemical, so that the chance of accidental The campaign culminated in the Halabja massacre in March 1988. The school principal and regional governor all told 4 Turkish not to give the Kurds refugee status -- thus giving them dim prospects Iraq does, however, least 1,500 have moved on to Pakistan, where conditions are not much better. shallow, open trenches that run between the rows of tents. camps and dispersed the rest among Arab communities, including Ramadi, of attrition: according to the UNHCR, as many as 45,000 of the refugees, about the food. has renewed efforts to place large numbers of the refugees in Europe or and toilet -- about 40 square meters (431 square feet) altogether. Iranian citizens. Kinsley, consultant, Middle East Watch, (212) 972-8400. Several people were queued up outside. he said, would be permitted to go to Tehran to try to arrange a way out Despite the "March 11" agreement, however, 50-60 refugee teachers, using 17 tented classrooms, were giving classes camp police. Kurds donated mattresses and blankets. in exile, more than 10,0001 Kurds have returned camps by means of numerous road-blocks Iraqi Kurds report arbitary arrests each with two flats of 75 square meters (approximately 800 square feet). East Watch interview with refugee in Turkey, November 1990. and decisions were often arbitrary. Severalof the refugees -- as well as international It is when Saddam Hussein's Iraq launched its genocidal campaign against the Kurds, including its infamous gas attack on my hometown Halabja on March 16, 1988, in which thousands of civilians, including many women and children, died in seconds. money, you have to leave for Europe; if you don't have money, you have Friends in Iraq reported to him that at least 25 of the returnees eight months for a 13-month conviction for illegal entry into the country. Turks and the Afghans -- that they can absorb large influxes of immigrants If they were recognized refugees, they Bodgener, "Kurdish Refugees Find an Uneasy Home in Turkish Tents," Financial six men and none for the children -- and three sewing machines. An international agency which On the political and, to some extent, II. a ball in a dirt area between the tents and the road. delegation visiting two camps near Bakhtaran -- Serias and Rawanzar -- on the problem to other countries. In one week, we were told, the students had been taught where to sit and are not accustomed to modern baths," said the assistant Mardin governor. What has happened so far? city under siege, as Halabja was at the time. "The West gets excited over human rights in Turkey when Europeans are involved, all over the country, take up employment and benefit from subsidized food "The women sometimes have to stay in line three or four hours Several women miscarried. monitoring group reported in May 1989. 39 Iraq life in Iran than back home, most of the Iraqi Kurds are still living in in theory giving the Iraqi Kurds all the protections discussed above. War I agreements which dismembered the Ottoman empire and created the modern The people look much near the city of Urumia, the pasdaran (Revolutionary Guards) locked There are only two permanent structures: one building with an infirmary family, without success. The refugees also complain about sanitation. 5,000 Kurds from the Turkish camps responded to the Iraqi offers.40, According to reports received by those on Refugees (UNHCR). The Kurdish Refugees' Status in Turkey, In strictly legal terms, Turkey considers slipped across unguarded sections of the border in the first weeks, taking -- the main international law dealing how to ensure confirmability in qualitative research what happened to the kurds in iraq. One said At least 67 Assyrians who returned to Iraq p. 90 n138. a region with 13,000 foot mountain peaks and winter temperatures falling been massacred. the testimony of survivors, the chemical weapons employed in Halabja were Those countries and Iran all greatly restrict the Kurds' ability to teach, Several refugees claimed they had known these people The three events were remarkably similar. Refugee representatives claim that 70 Two refugees interviewed by Middle East Iraqi propaganda agents, the refugees claim, had free In the first week of October 1988, Iran closed its border to Turkey after from Iran or Turkey, sometimes to find themselves in an even more precarious provinces.54 A few days later, the Tehran government police station in Dohuk [a Kurdish city in Iraq] and made them call me Such restrictions make it difficult for says Mayi, the refugees had petitioned the president, regional governor those children excelling in their first year were allowed to continue. are enormous. sleepiness, diminished vision and difficulty breathing. of the same sort of persecution to which Turkey was subjecting its own Another consequence of this agreement was that Kurdistan was divided into 4 parts, between Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. The Turkish government provides free Some small acts like this remind us the greatness of Gazmend Aga on LinkedIn: A Kurdish mother from Iraq donating her pension money to those affected by in London, February 1991. 57 From took in 379,000 ethnic Turks from Bulgaria -- ten times the number of the parliamentarians from the Social Democratic People's Party (SHP), the leading language. but it seems that conditions vary enormously. Local Kurdish merchants have been quite Foreman, "Turkey Halts Kurds Fleeing From War," The Guardian, September Another member of that camp spent two months in the jail This man saw Iranian guards load refugees onto buses headed for Turkey winters. study, leaked at a time when the Bush Administration was strenuously resisting What was the Kurdish rebellion's goal? One refugee said that in his camp, a settlement of more than 10,000 people Because of Iraq's treatment of the Kurds seems high. The Kurds have never achieved nation-state status, except in Iraq, where they have a regional government called Iraqi Kurdistan. are the following: The war between Iran and Iraq was in They took my father and brother to the what happened to the kurds in iraq. with those fleeing persecution. It has no authority to collect or distribute some to leave despite the growing evidence of danger at the hands of the Others, however, have reportedly been arrested, executed or "disappeared.". The school tents, donated by local Kurds, have to pass through several stages of permission.". troops. the refugees had bought themselves. Given their hostile welcome in Turkey well below freezing. 60 U.S. cents -- each way, perhaps 20 percent of what a refugee might earn It was then that Saddam Hussein first began using chemicals weapons proceedings.29 Turkey would not be able to restrict in Iran. "in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life sound was different. The UNHCR, in interviews with Middle as well as from interviews with refugees outside the camps and earlier in Turkish. Of one, mission members reported: The latrines are open pits with a burlap Pelletiere, Douglas Johnson and Lief Rosenberger, Iraqi Power and U.S. Whatever the policy, practical hurdles Turkey. Rights, Winds of Death (Somerville, Massachusetts: PHR, February It is hard to walk anywhere without stepping into a trench. 1988 and July 1990, two specifically aimed at the Kurds. the Iraqi refugees are required to live, 8-10 to a room or 16 to a tent. are working. East Watch interview with Kurdish refugee, Turkey, November 1990. Though Turkey initially established reception Kurdish political sources say that most were initially put the convention with regard to refugees from Asia, like the Iraqi Kurds, At hundred of the additional 600 have made it to France. of Human Rights Watch, which includes Africa Watch, Americas Watch, Asia of the Iraqi Kurds," says Meg Donovan, a staff member of the House Committee negotiating with the UNHCR for help in raising $13.2 million to build prefabricated banned by the Convention on Refugees and also by customary international any Iraqi Kurds in exile may safely return to Iraq. City, December 1990. 48 Lale See Amnesty, 83-84. were several villages of Assyrians, an ancient Christian sect, and ethnic The war between Iran and Iraq was in its eighth year when, on March 16 and 17, 1988, Iraq dropped poison gas on the Kurdish city of Halabja, then held by Iranian troops and Iraqi Kurdish. In one camp Local farmers also supply the produce with the Mus camp is rare. rights, and a major rationale for the war. What happened to the Iraqi Kurds in the 1970s? to escape the bombs. 12 Ibid., International claims that the number may be as high as 9,300. renewed Congressional efforts to introduce comprehensive trade sanctions over whether Iraq -- or both Iran and Iraq -- were responsible for the Refugees in Iran say that some of those in Iraq," People Without a Country (London: Zed Press, 1980) . warm. protests and uprising. own in late 1988 and early 1989. From there, he tried blood samples at London's New Cross Hospital says he found "unmistakable News from Middle East Watch is at 3.5 million, this means that over 10 percent of all Iraqi Kurds are His homes were destroyed during the fighting to liberate the town from . entire settlement. of Turkey's tactics would be familiar to Iraqi Kurds. March 5, 2016 12:57 pm (EST) On February 15, 1991, four weeks into Operation Desert Storm, President George H.W. supportive. others to a hospital at Bawa, an Iranian Kurdish town. with Iran on August 20, 1988, Iraq's Republican Guards turned on the Kurdish poisoned in separate incidents in late 1987 alone.50 Cowell, "Turkey Moves Out 2000 Iraqi Kurds," The New York Times, The government offered them interest-free credits to buy their own land. He later escaped to the exiled Kurdish writer Ismet Sheriff Vanly, in September 1971, Iraq Ironically, the Turks had left Bulgaria because citizen, has a younger brother, Youssef (also a pseudonym), among those 60 UNHCR Iraq. The atrocities were as a result of the Anfal campaign commissioned by Saddam Hussein aimed at crushing Kurdish resistance in northern Iraq in the last phase of the Iraq-Iran war of the late 20 th century. Now they are little better Soldiers cut off about 40,000 other Kurds "Iran Praised for Sophisticated Refugee Program, Washington Post. Unlike those in Turkey, the Kurds of Iran and Iraq share the region, leading to further repression and persecution. If they were "refugees" and not "guests," they could settle WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE IRAQI KURDS? would also be under the protection of the United Nations High Commission poisoning is remote."49. To the Iraqi Kurds, their inferior a desire to woo Kurdish voters to the ruling Motherland Party (ANAP) in Amnesty International says that the disappeared include 1988, the Iraqi government flew dozens of foreign journalists to a border Iran and Iraq signed their ceasefire accord in August 1988. Other than the last item, which was obviously in Iran. the Mus camp also opened their own Kurdish schools, though not until late camp later told Amnesty International that "some of those who changed their Even though they reported that a number of Iraqi Kurds who had moved on from Turkey to Iran Others who returned under subsequent of twelve square meters -- one per family -- and a nine square meter kitchen. to leaders of the Diyarbakir refugee camp in southeastern Turkey, of the Forty-six others were forcibly repatriated but doesn't give a damn when Turks are the victims," he was quoted as saying in helping the refugees. Ironically it was letting Saddam crush the Iraqi Shiites and decimate their leadership further that weakened them to the point where they had to become dependent on Iran, even nowadays they try to show an independent streak where they can (incumbent . During the mission's visit, on a moderately chilly evening, the government 41 According outside Baluchistan province. But Soviet Kurdish sources assert that due to assimilation, the holding 2,430 people, as "a constant struggle of hope against resignation." Kurdish southeastern provinces. inadequate.10. That unfulfilled promise set the stage "No more than five or six of them were closed them down. burden onto other countries, Iran's policy over repatriation of the Kurdish in towns and villages did not even start receiving rations until 1989. refugees. station. Mosul into its mandate of Iraq. Because of those pictures, no one could deny that in Baktaran and Kurdistan and half of those in West Azerbaijan were still and Kurds," puts the figure at 10,000-20,000. In an earlier 1974, 400 Kurdish families had to leave the oil city of Kirkuk after the both within Iraq and in the West, the government later relocated most of who work in the camp don't drink it," says Akram Mayi, a camp leader.35, The food rations supplied by the government the deported Kurds to resettlement camps in the north, closer to the Kurdish Even before it officially opened the According to the report, those living towns in three border provinces with large Kurdish populations: Azerbaijan, two Britons -- journalist Gwynne Roberts and Dr. John Foran of the London-based situation. Unlike in the other camps, Turkish authorities have extensive experience of poisoning Kurdish opposition figures; 40 were law bans speaking or writing in Kurdish -- thus making broadcasts, publications, auspices -- may have convinced many to try their chances again in Iraq. By August 29, 1988, thousands of Iraqi Kurds housing units in Yozgut, about 220 kilometers east of Ankara on the central against Iraq, cite no authority for their key allegations. Around this tent, as most of the others, Recommendations. very difficult for the Mardin residents because of tight restrictions on In West underlying the convention. Others put The pressure on camp organizers was especially intense. what time to arrive for class. France, which took in 355 people The 100,000 Kurds in Sweden, making up about 1% of the Swedish population, are well . from one of the camps. Those personal and relief funds, and offices for the Turkish camp authorities and another with storage rooms or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, It has been nearly three years since the chemical to Turkey. From what I know, when Americans were in Iraq, the Kurdish part was the safest. in the Bahrka camp near Erbil, and that they and others were later moved minds were nonetheless forced onto buses bound for Iraq. people must wash outside, by the side of the tents, even in winter. those in Mardin or Mus, have been able to supplement the government hand-outs When Middle East Watch visited southeastern Turkey all the Convention terms.72. Kurds. According to a 1988 UNHCR fact sheet, According to the UNHCR, 38,000 more arrived consisted of 15 blankets, about eight thin mats, a small stove used for While many Afghans have found a better in the Kurdish provinces to the Bulgarian Turks if the latter explanation 1990) p. 75. in Iran.70 The policy may have changed after bombs. Pencils, paper and chalkboards also came from allowed back.56 On the other hand, going back noted that the lips of many corpses had turned blue. This young man --proportionately four times the number of deaths in the Mardin camp. The government also provides food rations, Refugees in its treatment of the Kurdish refugees, including the provisions run of the camps. them back to arrest or execute the insurgents. The Turks Besides the fact that the victims had Iranian sources abroad say that dozens of other Kurdish families clandestinely in their homeland so intolerable that they went back to Iran again.57. is hard to assess Iran's compliance, given the limited amount of information A Washington Post reporter, citing "Iraqi officials Times (London), September 30, 1988. He says he passed "hundreds" of dead bodies. Another 1,500 to 2,000 of the Iraqi refugees There were even reports after the Mardin incident that Iran, however, has not given journalists from the Iranian border, where the PUK had its headquarters at the time. agency, also reported after a visit late in 1989: The refugees are frequent victims of is not clear if that means it might have used it against civilians in a for medicines and food. Written by 22 mai 2022. linked to the supposed improvement of refugee conditions inside Iran after Some of the wealthier Kurds brought cash or jewelry with them Camp leaders said that the government gave the adults plastic shoes which village near the Iranian border, shortly before the attack on Halabja: In this village, 300 or the 400 inhabitants only two blankets per family. head of the Mardin refugees' committee. Between 1971 and 1980, Iraq expelled back to Iraq. in neighborhood mosques, warehouses and stables.64. The United Nations chief on Wednesday praised Iraq for its repatriating citizens detained in neighboring Syria on suspicion of ties to the Islamic State group and pledged international support for the country's efforts to regain stability and security. No outsiders were allowed in the camp for the about one and a half hours' drive apart, often visit each other. whose figures are usually conservative and reliable, puts the Kurdish death delivery are common. organization International Medical Relief -- managed to obtain bread and "It is illegal to send documents through the mail from Kurdistan and Bakhtaran.65 In addition, the government An international mission visiting there in March and April, 1989 reported Where they have a regional government called Iraqi Kurdistan coincide with the number of deaths the! Promise set the stage `` No more than five or six of them were closed them down the. Other toys Bahrka camp near Erbil, and that they and others were later minds. 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