I appreciate that you have considered me for the job! (Quick note: If your manager is asking and these are projects she isnt aware of, give her some context. Although, sometimes its just plain hard to recognize when its time to say no and when youre missing out on an opportunity youll look back on and say what if. You may be picking up on some aspect of it that makes you uneasy, even if your conscious mind is not yet aware of exactly what that aspect is. Perhaps you've worked with them before and had to chase them for late payments or couldnt bill them for out-of-scope work. It also opens the door for emotions, which could easily turn a well-intentioned conversation sour. Some clients may even take no as a personal rejection. Freelancers and professionals who are abrupt or rude can quickly gain a negative reputation that will follow them for years. "My priority is [insert task] until [insert date]. Yes, you will have to decline the request but you should be encouraging about the person making the request and his or her endeavor. Be clear about why the project is not a good fit for you, and offer suggestions for alternative freelancers or resources that may be a better match. But that is a whole different conversation. I have designed quite a few logos. This is exactly the article I needed to read! Thanks for sharing! Let's walk through some steps to keep top of mind when politely and professionally declining a job offer. Its only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important. Steve Jobs. Trust your instincts and recognize that turning down a project thats not a good fit is ultimately best for both you and the client. At Millo, we strive to publish only the best, most trustworthy and reliable content for freelancers. Thank the client for thinking of you, embarking on an interview process with you, or meeting you to discuss a job. Does the job fit your skills? We feel that we won't be able to complete the project by XX. Get started risk-free for 14 days! Here are some tips on how to politely turn down proposals. It makes me happy to hear that you believed in your services enough to turn down a project that required spec work. Thats why if you simply say, No, Im too busy, theyre going to be disappointed. Best of luck with your new website and all of your future endeavors. It is ALWAYS difficult to turn down work because you never know where it might lead. This is polite and ends the conversation on a good note. So turn that frown upside down, be the grown-up you are, and try to salvage this ship before it sinks. into shadow: a poetic exploration of personal fears, 50-75% Off Sale on OGL-Affected #TTRPG Titles, My Year-End Summary and 2022 Publications, New! I had these same thoughts that it would be better to say no to this project in order to be available for better-fitting projects. Declining an assignment can be easier if you offer your manager or colleague an option outside yourself. . But now lets say its not your slow season: Youre busy and so is the person approaching you. Even if you are convinced you are going to turn the offer down, make sure you are aware of all of the facts before doing so. Thanks for sticking with my blog, cheers to your success! For nearly three years, she was an editor at The Muse, and she's regularly contributed career advice to Mashable. Totally love this post. Reassess how you obtain new leads. Well i am in favour of saying no to a project which can just not worth the time and efforts , but sometimes clients do not take it as something they hoped for , A few days ago i received a job offer on a job board , i said no as the budget was just peanuts , bu that client kept sending me messeges and asked me to talk to him on skype , we had a discussion and i clearly told him that i do not want to work with him because of his low budget , he just keep telling me tha he wants to work with me and i kept telling him that i just can not do it for him and than he turned nuts .. he became offensive and started sending harsh email He said i do not provide good customer service lol I wish you all the best of luck with your project. You'll still be able to engage clients seamlessly with online proposals and automated engagement letters, and run your business on autopilot by connecting apps to Ignition. Hi Client, Thank you for your (email/opportunity to meet with you/speaking with me) regarding your (home remodel). On top of that, everyone appreciates being noticed for good work. - The extra assignment would affect your work-life balance. Saying yes to the wrong freelancing opportunities can leave you burned out, stressed out, and exhausted. However, if something feels off, or youre confident that a project doesnt match your current skills, schedule, or budget, consider leaving it on the table by using one of our example email scripts as a guide. Want an interview? For all our best content, advice, and offers, enter your first name and email below: Fostering Confidence, Boundaries, and Self-Trust, Reasons You Should Decline a Client Project, Choosing Projects that Align with Your Values, How to Decline Client Projects (the Right Way), you have every right to turn down clients. And knowing how many times Ive wanted to throw How to deal with awkward client conversations: A survival guide. Name of Potential Client's Title. The first (and probably most important) step: make sure you want to say no. Break the news But I always try to hook them up with another freelancer suitable for their needs. I have enclosed a few names of other trusted freelancers that may be able to take on this project right now. One of the best ways to approach this is to send an email to the inquiring client without delay. thank you for the well-thought-out proposal on. (And you improve your relationship with the designers you recommend, even if they dont take the job.). I have had to turn down clients many times. Best of luck with your website face lift and thanks for sharing your story! I once took a under budget project which I regret the most. Do you believe that your work on the task will help people, communities, or the environment in a positive way? Its hard to turn down work when youre a freelancer, but its such a must in so many situations. Try Smith.ai now Accelerate growth with live receptionists and AI. Everything you need to sell, bill and get paid by clients in one place, See how Ignition can help your professional services business, Watch an interactive demo to see Ignition in action, Win over clients with impressive online proposals, Stay compliant with automated engagement letters and contracts, Improve cash flow with automated payments, Automate one-off or recurring billing, and bill clients in one place, Track revenue forecasts, sales pipeline and client payments, Connect apps to automate workflows and improve efficiency, Send proposals in minutes with our readymade templates, Stay compliant with legally vetted and industry body terms templates, Save time by automating engagement letters, billing and payments, Simplify payment collection and engagements within your bookkeeping firm, Discover how Ignition can help you free up time and grow your business, Automate client billing and payments and get paid fast, Run your business more efficiently with automated workflows, Automate invoicing and reconciliation when you connect to Xero, Connect your favorite apps to level up your business productivity, Set and forget billing with automated invoicing and reconciliation, Reduce client onboarding time and automate workflows, Put payroll billing on autopilot and scale your practice, Streamline client onboarding with intelligent workflow automation, Streamline your job set-up with Ignition and XPM, Read best practice tips and tricks from industry experts, Stay informed and up-to-date with the latest industry trends, Browse our collection of readymade proposal templates, Get inspired by our customer success stories, Discover the latest Ignition feature releases and updates, Get help with technical support and learn how to use Ignition features, How avoiding awkward client conversations impacts accounting professionals, Learn more about our company and our people, Nominate and celebrate the top 50 change-makers in our annual awards, Stay across our latest company announcements and news, Join Ignition and help unleash the potential in professional services, Contact our team of specialists to learn more about Ignition, Join our referral program and get rewarded. Im thinking yeah right Im going to spend hours working for peanuts when I could be working on my own site which sucks and needs updating badly. It could be that the client's company doesn't align with your values or that your schedule is simply too full. Thank you once again for considering me for your project. If the letter is being sent via email the subject line should have your full name followed by vendor proposal. . On the other end of the scale, when times are quiet I do take on occasional graphic design work which doesnt pay so well. In the end it takes most of my time and Im starting to worry because i dont have enough time to do whatever it needs to find full time job. Hi [name]. : First, taking the time to let a contractor know he or she didnt get the job is commendable on your part. 1. After careful review, we feel that we cannot fully commit our resources and attention to your project. (Optional: My schedule for a project of your scope will be open in _ weeks / months time. excluding finance charges, whichever is less. Its what a team player would say and its a way to demonstrate that youre ready for new and exciting responsibilities. The first step is to thank the referrer and let them know you appreciate their efforts and explain your reasons for declining the referral, but keep it brief. Observe professional tone and structure. Because they need help. Being able to say no respectfully is essential to exercising healthy boundaries in your work life, and may help to prevent burnout and mental exhaustion on your part. Select the career path that aligns with you: How many years of experience do you have? Unless its a really simple request or youve sold yourself on being a perfect fit, claim that the project is out of your area of expertise. This response 1. doesn't leave the PR contact hanging 2. let's them know they've hit the influencer jackpot since you love their company, too and 3. they can eliminate you from their list of influencers they need to meet their quota for the project at hand. Forget secrecy and competition, I believe designers should support and uplift each other. However, this either isn't the right time or youre at capacity and cant take this client or project on at present. 1) Say no to clients who constantly change the scope of work This can be one of the worst and, unfortunately, too often experienced client behaviors. ), Head of Accounting (AMER) at Ignition and Managing Director, don't allow emotions to influence your decision-making, accountant or other professional in the United States, help guide you through the referral process, How to turn down a client, say no or decline a project. (Your Name) I let the client know up front I normally charge a lot more, but the other day he says he wants another website for (big surprise) just as low an amount as the first one. So they offer me the other designers rate, (equal to half my rate), and two months less time to do the work. It is not unprofessional to turn down work, however, how you give the bad news requires care, integrity, and careful deliberation and should not make you look like an amateur. If they are new, do you have any reservations about working with them? Great article! He insisted on a flat fee and 5 ideas instead of my usual 3. If any of your clients respond aggressively when you exercise your professional boundaries, youll immediately know that you made the right decision. If your gut is telling you to pass on the project listen. Maintain a positive relationships with potential clients, even when turning down a project. There will always be someone with less experience willing to do a worse job for next to nothing. State your point concisely and professionally. Only then will you be able to create an environment that leaves space for further business in the future. Instead of appearing overwhelmed by your work, this makes it look like you have such a strong command over your schedule that you can predict the exact date itll open up. Even if the prospective client is a referral, you're still not under any obligation to take on their work. Even if the prospective client is a referral, youre still not under any obligation to take on their work. Janet will be flattered that you think shes especially talented and Michael will appreciate that you pointed him in the direction to get the very best help. Youre working longer hours, and because you can only do so much, you end up getting behind. I can tell you that, based on my experiences in talking with contractors over the past 18 years, they appreciate hearing back from a client if they've submitted a bid but didn't get the job. Hearing him out lets your customer know he's valued and important. 2. Our management team was impressed with the quality of your application and documentation. You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the couragepleasantly, smilingly, nonapologeticallyto say no to other things. Explain briefly why you are rejecting it. Make it as clear as you can that you are declining the offer. We want you to have a wonderful experience designing your new home and wish you the best of luck with your project. I, too, was nervous about turning down work, but other things came along that were more lucrative! Communicating clearly will ensure that these kinds of unwanted projects dont keep appearing in your inbox, draining your energy and weakening your business boundaries. Instead, try recommending resources or do-it-yourself solutions. Occasionally a low-paying client will expect all the bells and whistles. Posted 9 years ago. We feel your pain - but someone's gotta do it. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. It can not only be used in emails of rejections, but in any email or letter where you have to tell people something that you expect they don't want to hear. I need to be honest with you, Patty. I just wonder what may result from that bad quality and how much it would cost the clients in the end from that bad quality. Freeing up that time I would have committed also allowed me to be creative and work ON my business, not IN it. (enclose names). However, if you can navigate this situation and let them down gently and politely, it can help safeguard your reputation, and may provide an opportunity to reinvigorate the relationship at some point in the future. 1. Its a common mistake that many make because of the fear of turning down paying projects. After a month of battle my client declined before I had a chance to. If you're the kind of person who is always saying yes, you need to be more vigilant about creating and maintaining boundaries for yourself. If this is the case, you can offer to put your client in touch with junior freelancers you know and trust, who may be grateful for the referral. It almost always pays off whether youre teaming up with someone or just building a relationship. 1. While you might feel like the salesperson is showcasing a product that is useless to you or your company, you need to be aware that it requires a lot of guts to present . State the possibility of working together in the future. Would you like the name of a colleague who loves outdoor sports? Its about getting the balance right. Think about it: most clients arent very good at hiring freelancers (how many do you know that have bad designer stories to tell?). Turning down a client can seem like a difficult task, but it doesnt have to be. This small gesture can positively impact the person and help you deliver your message without leaving a bad taste. And all because the web designer did it cheaper. @Lance CPA Group, Ignition2023 | Terms | Privacy | Security | Cookie Settings. 10 tips on how to decline business proposals politely. False hope just encourages the other person to waste more of their time, and yours. Im glad everything worked out for the best. You need to stand firm and believe in your abilities, your product, and your worth. A home project is very personal and we're appreciative that you considered us for the work. Thank you for taking the time to contact us and for your interest in working with our business. Keep it simple. This article sums up most of what I was already thinking. Based on my current schedule, I won't be available on [insert date here] at the time you've carved out, but I am free on any of the dates/times below if one of these works on your end. Both projects were creatively challenging and successful. Make sure your client knows youre saying no to their requestnot to them. Anonymous. It's what a team player would say and it's a way to demonstrate that you're ready for new and exciting responsibilities. Sometimes, the most respectful thing for you, for your company and even for the colleague who is asking you to take on more is to say, "No." Here are some tips for how to decline a request graciously: Well said and some great points made! With that said, regardless of whether youre working for a boss or independent clients, you will occasionally come across a project that you simply wont want to take on board. Any project you do choose to take on board should fit your bill in a few crucial ways. Fit your schedule while giving you enough time to complete the project in a way that aligns with your personal quality standards as a professional. Whatever the case may be, there will be times when youll need to know how to say nopolitely but firmly. Sara McCord is a freelance writer and editor, who most frequently covers the career beat. From the clients point-of-view, they already see you as the ideal match, so theyre not anticipating rejection. An email will appear impersonal. To make your life easier, use the template below to let them down gently while keeping the door open should things . Show gratitude for their bid. No, I need space to think about it. Maybe the work they would like you to do doesn't match your company objectives or strengths. An RFP rejection letter is an official message a company sends to a vendor to decline their proposal request. - It will negatively impact your primary work responsibilities. Thanks! How to Decline a Letter of Request. I cant think of a better reason to decide up front what you will or wont work on based on the strength of your reputation. Reviewed & edited by Adam Wright, Editor at Millo. Perhaps youll meet an acquaintance who wants you to edit their draft novel for far less than your set rate. Head of Accounting (AMER) at Ignition and Managing Director 2. If the idea of ending with an unsoftened rejection makes you unbearably squeamish, you can close with an extra . 1. Before you even say a word, think long and hard about why you don't want to date him/her. Got ta do it that you have any further questions please do hesitate... After careful review, we strive to publish only the how to turn down a construction project nicely of luck with your or... Of battle my client declined before I had these same thoughts that it would be to. And 5 ideas instead of my usual 3 almost always pays off whether youre teaming with! 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